New Terrain and Parts Built-In Materials - Release Build

The entire character would be one mesh, using one texture set. Roblox supports bone rigging.

People are intentionally misusing textures then complaining when it is changed to look more like the thing it describes. Absolutely shocking; didn’t see that one coming.


Concrete looks terrible in shadows (used on the sidewalk):

Same with slate:

Why is the tiling so insanely noticeable? This was an issue during beta and I expected this to be fixed by now.

Also why does asphalt only look good when your camera is 1 inch away from it? It begins to look like plastic once your camera gets up to a normal distance (as seen on the roads in my previous two screenshots).


Crazy concept here:

Roblox doesn’t actually use mesh deformation characters for their characters except for Rthro, occasionally. R6 models consist of 6 parts, so nobody’s going to want to make a bone rig for an R6 model.

Because they were versatile. Roblox has removed all versatility from the new materials in an effort to strive for realism, and have messed up about 99% of the platform’s games as a result…


That’s beyond the point of reasonable. No one’s going to learn how to use blender to do something they could of already done in roblox studio in the past. No one in their right mind would make a mesh for something that can already be done more easily and quickly with parts.


the thing that pisses me off the most about the updates posted on here constantly are the amount of copers that are constantly being yes-men to roblox and giving them the impression that “hey if SOME people like it then we should just push it out!!”

it’s these same people that pushed out other stupid stuff like rthro (which nobody really uses unless they don’t know how to change their avatars or they’re making a meme avatar) and the stuff in the past like that one time they tried to make you pay for the oof sound or something along those lines.

yes i get it, some people aren’t affected by the changes but don’t just go damage control on their behalf and try to convince others to stomach the changes just like they’ve stomached every other crap update roblox may throw at us.

tldr: copers stop coping, this update is terrible if there’s no backwards compatibility


Can we just take a moment to admire how the new grass texture looks like wet hair.

I agree with you completely, I honestly hope that this becomes a feature that you can choose to enable/disable instead of forcing it upon every game. My builds really depend on wood textures and other textures for the way they look, not for what they’re supposed to be.

For example, using the sand texture can be used as a wavy, even fabric-like texture. Sometimes I don’t use it for sandy objects because it is sand. This won’t happen anymore with the new textures.

With this update, I’m going to be forced to use materials for what they are, and not for what they look like


Sure, I get your argument that people might not know how to use 3D software. But making characters into meshes does make sense; it becomes a single draw call.

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Versatility > Realism any day of the week, the old roblox textures were extremely versatile the new ones don’t even have the same propitiates of the old one.


Great! I feel this would make a new stream of developers studying the roblox terrain and developing and experimenting them !

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I’m so tired of these people giving Roblox no crap for the updates they put out. I’ve literally only ever seen Rthro used ironically by people, and that’s not even a joke. So many developers turn it off too, it’s practically useless and ONLY used by trolls.

If Roblox keeps getting all this positive re-enforcement from people, they’re just going to ignore backlash. The people saying this should be pushed are basically saying “I only care about that which impacts me”.


This will be the New Update for New Terrain and Parts. Glad we’re going to have new stuff in Roblox :slight_smile: I’m glad

Meshes will always incress a games loading time and are generally less worse then parts
If a game dev wants to go the extra mile to use meshs and get that extra fancy look good on them but not every dev needs to be able to use other development programs along side roblox.

So… you’re mad that roblox has decided to make sand look like… sand?


it’s not coping, the new materials are genuinely great.

This is another thing that I’m not happy at all with about this update! Most of the textures look absolutely horrendous from a distance! From over 10 studs, 90% of the textures completely lose their detail and look like a solid colour part with some strange spots and blemishes here and there.

These new textures will completely ruin large-scale maps if they proceed to be like this.


I have a solution. I’ll spell it out. “custom materials”.

Some people misuse materials because it matches the style of the object they had in mind, not because it actually “looks” like the material name they chose. Example is using sand to simulate a snow material, or ice for transparent windows

So an optimal solution would be custom materials or if its that is too much to ask, just giving the option to chose the new materials or the current ones would suffice.

I see where you’re coming from though.

This is just the effect of how Roblox handles texture filtering, I think. (the asphalt)

Roblox should just make both sets of textures available without updating any of the roblox places


The new materials are indeed pretty however they are flawed in that they don’t for fill the same roles that the old textures did. The old textures were versatile and each had their own set of core proprieties. The new update removes the core proprieties of each material and replaces it, lowering how versatile each texture is and making them look similar.
This is the core reason why devs are angry, they can’t be used in the same ways meaning devs have to spend hours reworking builds. also the lack of diversity within the texture proves an issue as it’s impossible to get a similar look, such as the veins through granite.