New Terrain and Parts Built-In Materials - Release Build

The perks of being a sci-fi game. :sweat_smile:
My biggest complaint is about grass and slate. I cannot see slate being used as rock and the new rock material is meh…
Grass is more like plaster to me.

I like the new wood! (Just sprinkling some positivity in this thread!)


Yeah, I can agree that grass definitely doesn’t look as good as the current one (it’s almost like wet hair, eugh!). Then again, I will admit that some textures like basalt/slate do look pretty nice.

Not gonna lie, that does look very good

The problem with that is how people are pretty sure that we won’t be listened to.
Isn’t that an issue here? I’d like to know that our feedback will be acted on, however from the original announcement to this there’s not much of a difference.

Obviously I do understand why they can’t have both legacy and the new materials at once. That’s fair, but still I would like to think that some suggestions to make this more bearable for people negatively affected by this will be listened to.

Part Picker is capable of doing this! (Edit, because wrong plugin linked)

I agree, this is my point about some of them being much better visually. Maybe not so much in the tiling aspect here, but yes that does look much better and I’d consider starting to use it in my builds.

Which is sad because we should be listened to, but that’s the basis of my point, we probably won’t, which is why I’m saying that the complaints are pointless, but maybe there’s hope that roblox will make a change.

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Since it seems like Roblox isn’t going to be reverting its decision to replace all old materials, could Metal at least be fixed?

This is the new Metal material, in 255, 255, 255 Color. Clearly, it’s not white.

The problem is that the new Metal is way too reactive to Lighting. When the Ambient is set to 0, 0, 0 or ClockTime to 0, Metal becomes way too dark and there is nothing we can do to make it whiter.
This dark lighting is essential to our game, and Metal was not this dark before. Could this be looked into?
Metal makes a huge part of our game.


If we ever do resort to textures for the removal of the old materials, I’m hoping they could at least add support for reflective surfaces/different effects on the textures depending on the lighting, or environmental changes in general.

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Why is it not possible for legacy and new?

Download time, mentioned above and in OP.
(although id rather take the longer download time and keep the legacy materials)

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If download time is the only problem then let people chose whether they want fast or slower loading times, plus how much extra time would it take? Surely not enough to warrant completely barring off legacy textures

People can’t really choose when both would need to be in the studio/roblox player files to allow for the options.

I think it’s also because of the API. The new materials would have to be named NewWood, NewPlank, NewBrick.

It would be really ugly API wise. The best solution is allowing us to upload custom materials like many people have said.

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Which is why I thought of having an option to maybe checklist certain textures that you want in-game/in studio, and whatnot. Although I can be severely wrong on how texture loading works, I would imagine that way it would only load certain materials instead of all at once.

Yes you can. You can easily get PNGs from the DDS files, and the reason the PBR maps look different is because they use a format that’s more space-efficient. They can easily be converted back.

Rich of you to tell me to “do my research” when I’ve already done so, whereas you apparently haven’t.

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please make it optional. this is a complete downgrade i was trying to be positive for this change but it seriously just feels like you ripped 1 year of work from my hands and just smashed it into the ground.

this isnt even the entire game. i dont even know how to go about fixing the rest of it due to these changes.


It wouldn’t take up that much extra memory unless I’m wrong

Would double the file size I think.
Obviously I’m no expert, just being a parrot and repeating stuff I saw earlier that’s now lost in this gigantic thread.