New Terrain and Parts Built-In Materials - Release Build

While the forced materials is really disappointing, making up your own theories on why this happened isn’t going to change that either.

It’s ok to complain, but it isn’t ok to attack the staff who worked on this update.

we concluded that supporting the old set of materials behind a setting is not viable

just rename the textures to something like OldWood?
like you’re already adding like 20 more textures, many of which already clash with each other stylistically, and already degrade the looks of almost every game they’re put into.


The entire update isn’t good, it’s making our games look like garbage. Is that not obvious to the overwhelming number of posts made by developers who worked tirelessly to provide something that looked nice when it goes to crap because roblox is updating the materials to look like their real life counterparts. There is no specific material for many things and thats why we used them “incorrectly”. What were we supposed to do? write a complaint to roblox hoping they’ll add a material just for us to use?


It’s not okay to attack the staff who made the update.

It’s a great idea to backlash as a community toward whoever was put in charge of the way this update was handled in hopes it will get reverted somehow. Currently, Roblox’s strategy is to bury their head in the sand (ha) and ignore the backlash until the update goes through, and wait for everyone to cope, more or less.

All we have to do is remain vocal and eventually they will have to cave one way or another.


This update bad, other updates good.

Excuse me but I don’t get what happened here to lead to that decision, and I’m disheartened to say this feels like we’re not getting the whole truth.

On one hand, you’re telling us that it’s too difficult to maintain having both material sets available, on the other you tell us you’ve successfully made a switch real quick that allows us to easily switch between them.

Also, you’re saying that the decision was taken “After a lot of discussion and careful consideration”, but if that’s the case, I must’ve missed the discussion, or it wasn’t with the community, because I do not remember having had much of a chance to get my input in regarding how those new materials would look and how they would be implemented, except for one time where there was pretty sizeable backlash against those decisions.

Rather than feeling like this is what you judge as being what the players would enjoy the most and be able to create the game of their dreams within that whole Roblox ambience, it comes off as the next chapter for a push towards realism that most creators were not looking forwards to, as if you were claiming to know what we wanted better than ourselves.

And to top it all off, that push for realism will be enforced everywhere, even in the most abstract, dreamy games, even on the old games that are no longer maintained and won’t ever get the adjustments you’re asking for. There’s also projects like mine that are massive, count THOUSANDS of parts to replace, without even having the promise of finding a material and color that would give off the same vibe as we were going for, especially for terrain!

Just, please answer this one question: Who wanted this change? Almost none of the games I see displayed as most engaging or most popular, which I would assume would definitely have a say in such a massive change, are trying to be realistic. The large majority of people in this thread very clearly disagree too. So Who is this for?

Well, I would still like to try being as constructive as possible, so here’s a suggestion: How about letting us customise materials? Have different materials or sets of materials to pick from, make our own list of textures we would want to use.

With that, not only you don’t have to load multiple sets of materials, which would fix the issue of loading times (or just would let us manage it which we can), but you can still introduce your new ones without interfering! And from there, we could even be able to make our own textures! We’re already making our own music, models, programs, plugins, designs… We can do materials.


Roblox players themselves may leave because a game looks ugly.

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…Personally? I encourage this more than anything else. These things look freaking DISGUSTING in half the games I tried them in.

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(then it’s also our fault for increased loading times which I’d say is a reasonable expense)

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Textures also have massive visual and performance issues when used in large quantities.

what is it meant to be if not cork?

But none of them look better? I don’t understand why Roblox cannot just keep the legacy materials. It changes the entire aesthetic of thousands, if not millions of games experiences.


Yea, but unfortunately, that is the only option left. But, there is a CanTouch property in BaseParts. Turning that off in parts you don’t use .Touched in will also deliver performance increase.

Here. I’ll give you a TLDR.

A few months ago, Roblox released a build of horrendous quality and pretty much everyone and their mother hated it. They did the bare minimum to fix the major complaints and fixed nothing else, then out of nowhere told us they weren’t doing any more major updates and were sending it to QA. Then they gave us a fake survey designed to make us think we had an impact on how it was released, and now they’re trying to force it and forget about it to cut costs.

The size thing is hardly a problem and 99% of people here would rather deal with whatever caveats that has than be forced to use the new materials. It’s an excuse from a corporation to try and get us off their backs while they try and appeal to stockholders.

It’s as simple as that.


Absolutely. We’ve always been responsible of managing the lag and loading times of our own games, I’m certain this would be fine with anyone willing to do the extra step. Instead of forcing that extra step in a direction we didn’t choose.

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lol are you implying that Roblox created a whole set of new physically-based materials that work better with the new lighting technology all with the goal of… pleasing stockholders? what??

That’s what companies do my friend. :slight_smile:

Stockholders see a game engine with pretty graphics and they’re more likely to sink money into it. “Hire this man” logic. Stockholders is a term I’m using pretty loosely here, but the push for this update was extremely tone-deaf and I’m absolutely convinced there has to be some form of ulterior motive here.

Plus, reminder, Roblox did go on the stock market not too long ago. Shareholders in general, I guess.


The lag created by textures isn’t related to collision, and CanTouch does almost nothing to a part if CanCollide is on. Textures 100% cannot replace materials.

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Yeah, I was there, I remember it, simply didn’t want to speak without being certain of the facts so thank you for putting it clearly.

I remember for instance some materials having a color forced on them which we could at best do what felt like putting a filter on. Glad they at least fixed that, but it’s only one step in the right direction after dozens straight into a pit: this is still a huge mess.