There’s an API for the current materials (like current glass material to current wood material, I’ve used it before) so I don’t see how there wouldn’t be the ability to convert materials easily to custom materials. It would just take a while to change the more parts you have.
If you dig in the Roblox files, I’m pretty sure it’s there somewhere.
No-one asked for this to be replaced, Roblox is pushing out features that not many people really want or asked for, rather then fixing issues or listening to the community.
This should be an option for each game, not every developer wants this enabled.
“Dig” and “somewhere” are pretty accurate words to depict how easy it is to make your imagination come true
Thanks a lot, will be using this.
It looks like Roblox forgot that back then people used the sand texture for beds.
Okie dokie! Thanks. Will look into this.
Most people using the sand texture, weren’t using it because it looked like sand or snow!
Am I the only one actually happy about this update?
Won’t help. Textures in mass will cause a metric ton of lag, I know from experience.
No, I’m happy about it too. Changing some textures shouldn’t be hard.
i honestly feel like the old materials are better, and less plastic looking and smooth. some terrain look nice but on older builds, its kinda weird
i don’t know personally i dont really love the update and i am sort of dreading its release
This looks horrible, the board doesn’t even look like a board!
Then change the material?
Maybe, but I would argue that it still wouldn’t get the same feeling across. The concrete is definitely smoother than what it should be for our build. I’ll attach a room full of concrete with the new update. Lighting can help, but just the way the texture is built, it’s no longer really of use.
It’s still more work that shouldn’t be forced apon us, this should be completely optional!
Oh god no. I can’t believe you actually thought that forcing these changes was a good thing. I am completely disappointed. I have a lot of games that I work on with millions and millions of parts to redo for these new materials.
If I were to choose between the new ones and old ones, I’d choose the old textures without hesitation as I don’t want to even think of changing all of those parts. Roblox, this is a bad move. Listen to your community and actually make backwards compatibility possible with these materials. Is it so hard to keep the old ones and add the new ones. Maybe you can mix and match the old with the new
Have you tried different colors? In my opinion, they look better in different colors.
They will roll this out to all games. If you download the RC Build, you will be able to get your game ready.
Asphalt will be a better option for you. In my opinion, that looks more like a bulletin board.
Usually, Roblox pushes things right away. You have a RC Build to optimize your game before the big change.
I agree with this, this is an instance of the textures actually working. However the majority of the posts here are instances of the new textures looking off. I really think Roblox needs to put in a setting that makes this optional!
This is a great update! I understand the problem regarding having to redo some textures, but, other than that these textures seem fine, with the exception of the Sand texture.
The sand texture has too much elevation difference, and when put beside walls, it will look pretty janky. I’d accept every new texture but I hope the old sand can be added back or improve the new one.