New Terrain and Parts Built-In Materials - Release Build

Will we be able to use both the old and new materials in one place? I know for sure that most of the new materials are really good, but there is no replacement for classic foil and its amazing ability to represent gemstones and shiny things and other precious and valuable items. None of the new materials provide that, I checked.

Here’s what the new foil feels like to me:

Like metal but with random wrinkles and crinkles. Completely ruins any use of classic foil without providing any alternative.


They will be releasing gemstone materials in the future. I personally like this foil more because it looks like it’s real-life counterpart.

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The old foil was multipurpose. The new foil is only useful for one purpose: being foil! Except I used foil for more things than just foil. I used it for shiny things, for precious materials, for gemstones, and more, and this new foil is not suitable for any of those.


Well, they are providing a lot of replacements for them. If you wanted, you can possibly suggest a few materials that could make up for it. I don’t want to start any arguments, I’m always just trying to help.


I would like the old materials to also be available because the new materials do not currently cover all of their use cases. While the new materials look visually stunning, they each only serve a very specific use case.

I would like the option of using the new materials for their intended use cases while also having the old ones available for other use cases that aren’t covered yet.


Did you just compare the new foil material to actual tin foil?


Why don’t you add a property inside of Game Settings to have the new look?

You can, for instance, roll out the new textures only for Roblox Studio (with Enum part updated) and let us choose which texture type we want to apply on our game.

And, when you’ll roll this update out for every game, let the setting in Game Settings so that people can have the choice between old textures and new

As some people said, I understood that in RDC 20 . . (don’t remember the exact year), we would have the choice to choose, why don’t you put things up according to this? The solution I mentioned in the 1st part is kinda good no?

I’m not saying that you have to provide several brand new looks for each material, but maybe keep the old textures, an put these new ones in a second choice (Like, “realistic” or something else) and, when someone wants to use Rock texture with the old textures settings on, it throws an error

I don’t know, just my vision of the thing, I hope you’ll find what you need because it seems very harsh right now, good luck :ok_hand:


Here is a few things i would add for this update:
Adjust normals intensity,
Adjust Texture Scale,
Be able to adjust features of the textures like the tiling of the planks on the wood planks texture,
Built in grime maps to overlay as a second texture set, (maybe)
Texture Instance Normal/Metallic/Roughness maps support (allow roblox players to add custom pbr textures)
and if possible a sort of vertex painting to mix and match roblox textures.

make the “reflectance” property work with the new textures and actually multiply the values on the metalic/roughness (maybe add 2 sliders even 1 for roughness and one for metallic)


Very incorrect. @tnavarts has explained that SurfaceAppearance has no performance impact, since it overrides the material of choice.


the leafy grass is still very yellow, and the texture repeats…

please remove the leafs dominance - so we can controll where the grass grows, with the 2 grass materials.


Okay, so why can’t we instead of having it as a “click down bar”, we have it as another tab or page with a search bar. They can upgrade it to that, like the models tab or explorer tab. It would be more organized, and easier to find the new materials. Cause in the end it is going to become a long list of jumbled materials in the future anyways.


Bark and plaster very good idea i like it

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The grass material is very strange at least make the grass decorative option more realistic make it less cartoony

They’ll have to add a carpet and sheets material lol

I mean that’s an option. I would say that changing materials is too frequent, yet simple of a thing to constitute having a new tab/window for it like that. custom materials on the other hand… I personally like having as much screen real estate dedicated to seeing what I’m building, and don’t want yet another window to either leave open like explorer or properties, or one to constantly open and close like the align tool.

I think maybe at most, something similar to the terrain window would work well. Although, I do still stand by my half-life like drop down that would have the materials separated by category.

please someone tell me there is an actual name for menus like this so I stop calling it “Half-Life UI”

You can crank it down to 0.5 or something as always. But haha, metals are supposed to be metallic. I think Roblox did go a bit too far though…

Just wondering when this update will be finalized and implemented into ROBLOX games and Studio.

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Custom Terrain Materials are coming


If this was ever added i would be playing around with it forever

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They still got other materials to make though

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