New Terrain and Parts Built-In Materials - Release Build

One thing, could a material requests category be added to feature requests once new materials start being added? It sounds like you want to add materials more consistently after this, and something like that would be great for seeing material suggestions without clogging up engine features.
Edit: Make it a pinned topic in engine features instead, that would be a way better solution.

Well, this topic is quiet, so they’re presumably trying to work out how to fix it. They can’t sweep it under the rug unlike display names, since it’s very major, so something must be done.


I realize that there is a very serious error in the transition of materials in the new update new materials for the terrain. image


Is it just me or does this preview build no longer work for team create studios?

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Idk but i’m waiting for this to release :slight_smile:


Apparently its been delayed because they are trying to also give the ability for devs to use the old terrain/textures which in my opinion is not needed. But it is what it is.


I’d like to ask you one question - would you like to see the visual style of millions of games ruined for no good reason?


It’s a good idea for them to make it where you can do that cause on some games it looks good with the old textures but if you wanted you wouldn’t have to remake your game and stuff just for the new ones so i agree with @ittrgrey.


I’ve started receiving this same bug within team create using the beta for a few days now. Team Create places work perfectly fine when accessed through the regular studio, but the beta won’t open them.

allow me to quote that again.

You’re aware I hope that Roblox makes update for us, the developers and not them, the corporation. Their reasoning for what they want (money) does not equate to literal hours of work destroyed. For examples, literally just scroll through this thread and the Oh Yes thread.


When will we be able to create custom terrain materials?
the terrain feature is extremely useful and versatile ,but i hate the fact that im forced to select materials with all the same artstyle, customizability should be expanded for terrain aswell.


Have you ever actually built something? I see the Programmer tag on your profile, and given your responses here, I will assume not. Anyways, for those who spent hours upon hours of work on something to have their work ruined by roblox changing all the materials, ruining those hours of work is quite simply unacceptable, and there is no way around that.

Once again, PLEASE go through these threads and see the work that has been ruined by these materials before responding. Better yet, spend 10 hours building something in the current materials and load it up in the beta, and tell me in all honesty that there is no issue.


As impolite as this is, I feel like I need to point out that you aren’t considering just how many games will actually be visually destroyed by this update, and for lack of a better phrase, I believe that you are ignorant of that.


I see you enjoy playing the victim card, but just consider this what is more important the players experience or the developers experience when it comes to small things such as textures being removed. This is honestly not a big deal at all, this is actually better for developers as roblox is giving us updated assets to use in the sandbox they have given us. Your preconceived notion that because there are a lot of people showing their frustration in this thread meaning the entire community is against this update is once again false, there have been many polls and the silent majority would like to have this update occur and have no problem with roblox removing the old textures.

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We have all expressed our view that we would prefer longer loading times to ruining games’ visual styles, and that has been echoed by the sentiment of over 1,000 developers alone.

Tell me why we should be ignored - the corporation is supposed to make updates FOR us developers, not for shareholders, and not because they look pretty. We have a right to complain when our work is ruined, vandalised and tinkered with without our permission, and we will. This is our platform, we shape it, and we know what is best for our players.

EDIT: Also, your referencing of a “silent majority” makes you sound very tonedeaf and out of touch, similar to a certain ex-president of the US. If you still can’t see that you’re at odds with an overwhelming majority of developers on the platform, I would strongly urge you to re-think your argument.


First and foremost,

This has to be the most comically wrong thing I have ever read, as you may be unaware but this update affects quite literally every single game on roblox, mostly in a negative way. small things lol

Don’t get me wrong, I love the idea of having uploaded materials. At the cost of reworking massive games with 100k+ parts to make them visually appealing again though, it is not worth it.

I have no doubt that people want the materials to be forced, after reading what you have to say. I need to ask again though as you never actually gave me a legitimate answer. Have you ever built something? For hours upon hours? Please do that, and then load it in to the materials update for me. Tell me that it retains your intended style to begin with.

I’m honestly not sure if I would still have this huge issue if they didn’t wreck the style of peoples builds, but, because they do, here we are.


I think this speaks for itself. While most of the community welcomes the materials, very few of them want the old materials to be outright removed.


“Silent Majority”.

The fact that enough people complained to get Roblox to make changes proves you wrong. I’m sure many of the NEW developers don’t mind, but those who have been here for a reasonable amount of time certainly do care.

This is not about “player experience”. This is about what is ethically the correct move for Roblox to make for its developers.

^ this is also about player experience

Players also have to look at the materials, this isn’t exclusive to builders. If a game isn’t updated to look nice in the new materials, then the players will see and point out that the game looks bad and they will make a rating off of that.

(Edit was just rewording)


It’s partially player experience here, sure, but I think it boils down mostly to developer experience.

Player experience is the lesser concern because most players probably don’t even care about how things look. Considering around 3/4 of all users are mobile players anyway, they likely have their graphics settings too low to care.

That being said, I see where you’re coming from, and I agree, that is a valid point.


It is infuriating that you have to delay the release of what would have been a revolutionary update for the sole fact that people in this community can not just deal with change. I was very excited to use these materials in an upcoming game but I guess not. If people really hate how these textures look, they can create a plugin to retexture every part in their games with texture objects instead. Roblox needs to move out of it’s currently disgusting library of textures and into this new one asap, it has now been 2 months since this update was posted and my frustration is growing.