New Terrain and Parts Built-In Materials - Release Build

How do you access the beta? It crashes for me.


Beta as in the MaterialService? (In that case, it’s not a beta, and you cannot enable it.)

or do you mean the new materials that Roblox made? If so I believe they attached a build that people can use to preview the new textures here. Haven’t read this in a long time.


He is talking about that when you opened up the seperate studio for the new textures it tends to crash for most people, meaning it is broken as of right now and we’re all waiting for roblox to either give us a date of when this update will release or fix it with new updates.


I agree the brick texture doesn’t have any depths so it looks like plastic brick walls.


The brick textures and the slate both look weird… The grass texture is perfect it’s realistic… But the rest of the textures that were the ones we known is now kind of simplified and it’s not as good looking sadly hopefully they fix it though

It doesn’t crash for me. Something must be wrong with you guys Computer setup or something. Wish I could help, but I have no clue what devices you guys use or what OS you run, or what your specs are.

Proof that I can run it as of right now:


Strange, it also started working for me as well. Team create is still broken though.


Thing is, it never broke for me. It’s always operated correctly. Also find it strange that you cannot connect to Team Creates. I can just fine.


It recently started working for me, but only in non-team create places.


That’s…very strange. I wonder what they did…?


my problem is not so much that the sofa is not dark enough the new texture mostly looks too large for the sofa, like the scale of the texture is a bit off overall that is my biggest complaint with that texture


question, is there any PLANNED release date for these materials as of Right now at 10/14/2021?

if I missed something pls let me know so sorry if I didnt see something.

I did see that they held it back because of mixed opinions on the update, but I haven’t really seen anything other than that about release date.


Seem like you’re trolling cause my computer is pretty good.

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I just downloaded it again and it won’t work for me it crashes my pc is good enough i don’t understand. I have a 1050 nividia graphics card


Um, no? Why would I troll on a forum that I use actively? That makes no sense.

Also just because you have a “pretty good” computer, doesn’t mean that no issues can occur with your particular setup.

I can have a 3090 in my computer, but that doesn’t determine how my computer will work with Network connection stuff. Please check your facts before making accusations. Thank you.

Also happy to hear it got fixed.


It did not get fixed sorry for the misunderstanding could you help me with this issue?


I downloaded this build a long time ago, so I might have an older version of the new Materials release build. I don’t know if sending it would be practical because since I’ve used it, it’s logged IP stuff in logs and yeah I don’t really feel like sharing. I’m not a Roblox engineer, they must have either:

  1. Discontinued the release build without actually telling anyone. Seems like a normal Roblox move, but it’s understandable because new part materials are a low-priority thing by the seems of it

  2. They might have released an engine update or some form of update to their services, that when attempting to connect to Roblox to log you in with that particular version of the build you got, it will throw an error or just downright crash you, which seems like the more practical type of situation because Roblox is roblox.

Not to mention I use the new Windows 11 operating system, so if you’re on Windows 10, I can do literally nothing to help because Microsoft made a lot of OS upgrades and many different changes that some sort of crucial .dll file that Windows works with might be stopping you in some form.



It’s in RDC 2021. Since we already have Dynamic faces, fingers crossed this is sooner rather than later…


Didn’t they say they would add the ability to migrate games you made to group games in an RDC event, and then later they make a post about it asking people to migrate now if they could, and numerous people said to keep it as an actual feature, and then an admin said that they would add it but then canceled it months later?

Roblox is roblox, so we’ll see what is a priority or not.


When will you guys update us on what’s going on or what you’ll do, we’re just waiting here waiting for a response