New Terrain and Parts Materials Preview Build! Oh YES!

Respectively, your entire argument is based around the list being a pain. While I think it may be more difficult for newcomers to find the material they want in the list, if you use it enough you will get used to it and it will become second nature. That happens when you look at the same list over and over again.

I fail to see how making you decide weather or not you’re going to use XYZ materials or ABC materials, when you want to use materials AXBCZ is not limiting your freedom.


Roblox Studio is for the newcomers, can you not understand that? Also I’ve been using Studio for a year, and it’s still not second-hand.

Studio is for literally everyone who wants to dev on roblox, and perhaps you should make an effort to memorize where things are then.

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I can’t remember where things are, because I have genuine memory issues (I can’t even read a line of non-code text without losing track of where I am). Also, it’s clear that they are having it be for the new players with some of new announcements (specifically the indoor reflections post).

Alright, here is a solution (that we wont get, not today at least) then.

Material categories on the material list, similar to the weapons selection in Half-Life. This way its easier for new players and there would be less list to memorize.

And the scripting, they could find a way around the issues.

I however, strongly disagree with making developers choose a set of materials they want to use, rather than just letting use all of them, even if it will make materials list more difficult.


Ehhh, the scripting might not be easily fixable. Maybe it could be a list under lighting like the lighting systems list.
That could be a decent workaround!


Theres a weird glitch on lower settings (tested on lowest) that the pavement is a lot smaller then on the higher (tested on highest)



Also it seems on lower settings (tested on lowest )the corroded metal material is higher res. But I think it’s because it’s a lot smaller then on highest



The tilling difference on lower settings affects other materials like cobblestone

Also why is PBR enabled on 3 bars on parts but not on terrain.


What person would use cobblestone for walls? Cobblestone IRL is for ground. Also, cobblestone was not a part material before so I don’t see the issue here

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Cobblestone WAS a part material before, it simply had a different texture. Also, cobblestone is used all the time in building. It was one of the main building material in the 1500s.


Maybe adding things like grass height customization would be cool.
Also maybe adding wheat or hay? It would be cool to edit certain regions of terrain and have different areas be different colors, rather than just all grass being one color. For example I have a Gettysburg, and here is a picture of Gettysburg.

As you can see there is wheaty and dead grass areas, as well as other grass.




One thing I noticed is that sand looses its texture when not under direct light and it looks more like concrete. I don’t know if this is supposed to happen, but I definitely am not a fan of it.


do I have to download it from GitHub

Yes, yes indeed you have to. Look at this first message of this topjc to find the download link, download what’s best for your computer.

Please, please let us keep the older materials.


For years now we’ve had the materials we all know and love but as the platform grows we’ve adapted to new things.

I’ve moved on to a more cartoony feel of Roblox whilst others have moved towards a realistic feeling.
But now let us answer the question they’ve been wanting.

We are currently going to automatically upgrade all experiences to these new materials. If you open a place you made 3 years ago, your materials will automatically upgrade with no way to revert to the current ones. Is this acceptable, or would you prefer that new experiences get the new materials and existing ones have to be explicitly upgraded?

List of users that would like the ability to use the old/current materials.

@Unity_456 Message Link
@Blue_blockhead Message Link
@Mukar Message Link
@AstralBlu_e Message Link
@IdontPlayz343 Message Link
@LordHenryVonHenry Message Link

There are most likely a lot more but I didn’t feel like going through all 600 messages :roll_eyes:

What would you prefer?
  • New Materials Only
  • Old Materials Only
  • Mix the two materials in one pack
  • Have settings to swap between the two
  • Other (Comment)

0 voters


There should be a sponge material. A lot of people used the pebble material as a sponge material or a coral material because it looks like that. But now pebble actually looks like pebbles which is good but it makes sponges look weird. So I think there should be a sponge material to compensate for that.


I like this, but you didn’t really add any materials. Like, tons of people use different materials for different things than they are meant to be, like how @cunpliy said that people use the pebbles texture for sponges, or maybe how people use slate as bricks (bad example), but still, you get the gist. I think you should add more textures, like maybe making a Moss material or a Rope material. Thanks for the cool update though.

Better example is sand material as water.

Original announcement post here