New to datastores, I need help

So, I am trying to use datastores for the first time, and using pcall I have found that I am doing something wrong with saving the player’s data. Basically, im just trying to save and load a value.

Here is the whole script, incase I am loading data wrong also;

local rep = game.ReplicatedStorage
local event = rep.RemoteEvent
local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local Data = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("Data")

	local Value ="IntValue")
	Value.Parent = game.ServerStorage
	Value.Value = 0
	Value.Name = player.UserId
	--load values
	local data
	local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
		local data = Data:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-cash")
	if success then
		local Value = game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild(player.UserId)
		Value.Value = data
		--change UI (you can ignore this, just a UI to show the players money)
	while wait() do
		local value = game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild(player.UserId)
		event:FireClient(player, value.Value)

--save when leaving
	local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
		local playerUserId = player.UserId
		local value = game.ServerStorage.playerUserId.Value
		Data:SetAsync(player.UserId, value)
	if success then
	elseif errormessage then

I am just getting error and would like to know what I am doing wrong.

Where is your leaderstats folder? The IntValues MUST be inside that folder, not The player.

Im storing value inside of the server and using remote events to change it from localscripts to secure every players values. Do datastores only work when stored in the player? And an unrelated question, is storing values in the player safe from exploits?

Is there anything that displays the value? If not, add the folder.

Server-sided exploits can exploit data stores, those are rare to find and expensive.

What is the error message? Because I may be able to help if I can see it

Im using a UI to display the value

That’s not the best idea, it should be stored in the player, not in the server storage. It’ll be harder in the future to change the values.

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That’s kinda bad if your starting, I recommend you to start with leaderstats first.

The error is in how you’re searching ServerStorage in your PlayerRemoving save function.

When you search game.ServerStorage for ‘playerUserId’ the way you are with dot notation, it’s literally searching for a child of ServerStorage named ‘playerUserId’ instead of the name of the Player’s UserID.

To fix this, you should search using bracket notation:

local value = game.ServerStorage[playerUserId].value

That should retrieve the IntValue properly!

P.S. I would recommend saving player data like this in a Script on the server instead, it’ll help you out a lot in the future.

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I agree, I shouldn’t have tried jumping into something so complex when I can just store values in the player, I will switch that now.

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Leaderstats are not needed, you don’t need to store it there. many games don’t even use that feature either. The client can’t see the intvalue either.

Try putting the parent as the player.

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