New To Roblox Studio (NEED HELP)

I need help with a game like (MONSTER MADNESS) Please join i never had anyone help me before!


Contact me on dis Might_Be_Dino#5322

This is the wrong category, this should probably be in #collaboration:recruitment, Forum feedback is dedicated to discussing the developer forum.

About the actual post, you should look up how to use studio and depending on what you like learn what you like doing (scripting, building, art, etc).
If your hiring, then you need to provide more details. Almost nobody is gonna work for free.


Sorry my pc glitched and i didnt notice XD

How does your pc getting glitched and posting in the wrong category relate?

Also you should probably tell how much your going to pay, work times, if they need previous back ground, etc. You should probably read the default template for #collaboration:recruitment.

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i can help you in studio i sent you a friend request my username is walker#3766

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Hello! As @Hamburger_Hoovy said; you should learn to use the forum before posting. Here is the link so you can learn how to use the #collaboration:recruitment category:

About the Recruitment category

The best way to learn almost anything about Roblox is self-teaching (yes, looking at tutorials of YouTube and else also counts as self-teaching), Iā€™d recommend you looking at @Sheasu on YouTube; his videos are really helpful to start as a begginer. You should move around on the studio, messing some things is never a problem. Hope it helps!

  • Dvd
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I would suggest looking up videos on how to use everything in ROBLOX Studio. This is not only the smartest way to do it because you learn everything you need to know to use it, but because In long term, you only get quicker with understanding how to use things, which results in much smarter developing techniques that you will use and learn in your career. Some big purposes in ROBLOX studio are Workspace - This is where everything in the game is stored, workspace is located at the Explorer. The explorer is a panel that shows all the Main properties involved in a game that you will use to code, or change anything within the game. There is also a Properties tab, which is short for Assets, Details, or specific things involved within something. In this Properties tab, you can edit the color of things, change direction, make this invisible, etc. So now you have learned that Explorer and Properties are the big parts in creating a game. There are more tools to actually build things, but you can also learn how to use the Progam called Blender, which is for making advanced models (Low Poly - Meaning> Low poly is a polygon mesh in 3D computer graphics that has a relatively small number of polygons), then you can import them into ROBLOX to make cooler games. If you have any questions reply to this. Thank you.

Please follow the guidelines when posting: About the Recruitment category