New Top Navigation Bar: Easily Switch Between Creator Hub Pages

To be honest, I feel the old one is better…


Now that this theme is out, my theme doesn’t save anymore. Why is that? I keep having to set it back to white.

Edit: I think I solved the theme not saving problem.


ROBLOX’s new UI design language is garbage. It’s boring, bulky, and flat, nothing like what they used to have.

You are of course aware that Roblox was operating at an ever-increasing loss year-on-year until they went public? There was much discussion on this site at the time.

No actually, I’d reset it to how it was in the middle of 2019 and start over with a fresh, community-focused leadership that actually cares about anyone who’s not part of the top 1%.

None taken, it’s a common misconception.

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I 100% agree with you on that. Not to mention, it was easier to apply extension themes to. Now the only things we can access are the ads page and some library pages. I like to use Library links because they’re shorter than create links.



good change,
people might use the forums even more now! :sunglasses:

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Roblox realllly wants you to discuss development huh?

Roblox should do this, I have attempted to try and bring the Creator Hub theme onto the main website using just CSS, and it turned out pretty good.

If Roblox took the time to actually rebuild the entire website using the same tools as the creator hub, not just a CSS style, it would be amazing (but it would also break all themes and make the website extra harder to theme as well…)

I like that the forum is slowly integrating with the other sections but consistency is a bit of a problem.

Maybe merge those two topbars so no confusion will be caused.


How interesting roblox…


Jokes aside, This is a cool thing, but I think you need to remove the user thing in the developer forums

[EDIT] - They arent that broken, the top navigation bar is just broken.

This update broke some stylus extensions.
Real shame too, i really liked 'em.

Now put blue logo here or something



looks nice! I didnt really notice the difference but now i do.

Speaking of navigation, could we, by any chance, get a search feature for the Creations tab in the Dashboard? It can be annoying to scroll through several pages to find an experience/asset you’ve made years ago.


That’s a known issue that was mentioned in a Feature Request, you should be able to find it but I think their goal is to make it extension compatible eventually

lol, i dont see the notifications that i completely forgot whats going on LOL

all their new layouts are horrible and an accessibility nightmare
they couldnt even make a light theme within a year of the creator hub’s launch

I miss the blue Devforum logo i want it back. Also i miss the old Develop page that would be integrated into the main website. But Things change sometimes in undesired ways. D:
But i then found out how to bring back the old blue logo with a style for the stylus extension idk who made it cuz it was there when i click find styles but it disapeared when i clicked it again to see who made it but the code is wait i found out who made the style its in the code it was made by notbronwyn
the url is notbronwyn's profile —
also the code is

/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Remove New Top Navigation Bar
@version      20240419.22.50
@description  Removes that new navbar
@author       notbronwyn
@license      No License
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
#creator_hub_navigation_rbx {
    display: none;

.d-header {
    height: 4em;
    background: var(--header_background);
    box-shadow: 0 2px 4px -1px rgba(0,0,0,0.25);
#site-text-logo {
    height: 42px;
    width: 42px;
    background: url(;
    text-indent: -9999px;
    background-size: contain;
.contents.clearfix {
    border: none;
    border-bottom-width: 0px;

to still have the top navigation bar you remove lines 11 to 13 (i use this cuz i think the new top navigation bar is cool but i like the old devforum logo)
to make the logo repeat change the width on line 22 to a big number
to make the logo big change the height and width on lines 21 and 22 to a big number
but i cant fix the text (for me it doesnt say developer it just says nothing)

So you made the stylus theme! Thank you!

They obviously arn’t trying to kill the Devforums and trying to revive the old ROBLOX Forums.

a small change like this wont affect anything


i made it because i personally hate the changes