New Top Navigation Bar: Easily Switch Between Creator Hub Pages

I have found a couple of issues occurring on phone caused by these new changes.


  • Device: iPhone 14 Pro
  • Browser: Safari 17.4.1
  1. The header doesn’t completely extend horizontally.
Click for a picture of the issue.

  1. The content of profiles, topics, and homepage lack margins. They appear to be significantly stretched horizontally.
Click for a pictures of the issue.





Honestly in some ways the old was a tad better less clicks, that said im getting used to it some more, but still some things take a bit to find, or are missing entirely


It will probably be fixed soon, but I think it’s important to note that the elements of the Forum navigation bar are not translated, even though they are in the Creator Hub and my DevForum is in Portuguese.


This might take some time to get used to, but I think I like it.

(the mobile UI needs to be fixed asap cuz that sucks)

edit: pls bring back the logo the text looks so corporate and lame :sob:


this has to be a bad update. I mean i like it and all, but the topbar… I dont need to know who I am twice.


This causes the first letter or so of text on the left side to be hidden on screen for me (mobile device; dev forum).


this doesn’t seem to be working correctly on the gray amber theme, i like the concept but it looks like it’s using the wrong theme or something


This update sucks. I really dislike it. At least remove the top bar on the Dev Forum.

1 Like aka Roblox.Website has extremely old code, it’s an old ASP server.

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Can we expect some UI persistence in the near future? It’s very frustrating that every time I navigate to CREATE page I see my individual places (which I never touch) and have to use drop down to select my development group which is all I’m working with.

In regards with navigation bar change, I find it pretty irelevant, because only actually useful links on it are Dashboard and Forum. Also it is pretty buggy, because of how Discourse header behaves.

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man, i dont care if it was a server from world war 2, they better update the layout soon!

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Yes. Genuinely. The old develop page was much easier to navigate and had way less pointless menus and links to click through to manage my creations, plus it was better integrated with the main site. The “Creator Hub” has felt like an over-engineered PITA from the beginning, especially when /develop could’ve just been given a lick of paint (with the more modern main domain stylesheet) as plenty of other pages were.


i swear to god this looks ugly as hell

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That’s not possible cuz discourse needs to be a separate sub domain



(Made a script for it here: Developer Forum Old Top Design)


I can’t believe people like you actually exist :sob:.

Just imagine you’re a new developer on Roblox, and you go to the page, what is your first impression?

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Not a big fan of this change since your avatar is shown twice and you can’t hide the top bar when you want to view the forum without the different tabs to switch between the creator pages.

It would be cool if you could disable the navigation bar when you don’t need it and enable it back when you do need it.



The first impression of basically anyone if it were today and they were visiting the old develop page for the first time ever would simply be “wow, looks a bit old but seems very easy to use, I think i’ll keep developing here”, which is of course what any reasonable person would expect it to be. People don’t care if things look old, they care about if they work and are effective.


I’m just happy to know people like you don’t work at Roblox. You would get this company bankrupt.

You are one of these people that wish the platform would stay as it is right now for the next 100 years with no changes.

(no offence meant)



i like the feature where pressing my profile make this giant UI pop up! good job devs!