New UGC Items not appearing in "Recently Created" sort

Newly uploaded UGC avatar items are not appearing in the “Recently Created” sort of the Avatar Marketplace webpage. They only appear when the “Unavailable Items” filter is set to “Show” whether they are onsale or offsale.

The latest item on the webpage was uploaded around 12:00 PM PST. At the time of writing this report, it is 7:00 PM PST. This is with the “Unavailable Items” filter set to “Hide.”

You can see that everything uploaded after 12:00 PM PST only shows when the “Unavailable Items” filter is set to “Show.”


I thought I was the only one, this has affected my items greatly. Seems as though waiting a significant amount of time does not change the outcome, neither does onsaling and offsaling the items…


I’m encountering the same problem, i tried to open a support ticket but they gave me an answer that had nothing to do with what I had reported


They’re no help for bug issues, just the same dogma, I think the best option is waiting for staff to raise this issue.


I have the same problem, I uploaded 4 hats into Roblox yesterday (one of them: Post Apocalyptic Gas Mask - Roblox), I paid 9000 robux for them (4x750 + 4x1500) and they did not appear at all in the accessories I created, They can only be seen by enabling the “Show Unavailable Items” option, even though they are for sale. The same thing happens with 2D clothes loaded into the clothing group. This problem occurs not only for “Recently created” options but for all types of sorting.


Adding onto this with my experience I think is related, I’ve uploaded multiple items at a time where, when placed in order by creation date (like on a group’s store page), the items place themselves days/months back. My guess is that they aren’t removed from the group wall, but placed so far back that it’s effectively impossible to find them due to the constant flow of items to cover them up?

This is on the first page of my group store at the moment - Sun Keychain (1.0) - Roblox
This is on the third page of my group store at the moment - Sun Keychain (3.0) - Roblox
When looking at the analytics, sorted by creation date, the page records both creation dates as the same but places them separated such that it matches the discrepancy on the wall.


I’ve uploaded 4 accessories and none of them are getting sales or appearing on my group store. Very frustrating since I spent so much, hope this gets fixed and these items can be findable


Update: these 4 items I was talking about (I uploaded them yesterday) have finally appeared among the items for sale, I wonder if the waiting time will be so long for newly loaded items, I haven’t had a chance to check it yet. However, there is still a problem for some items as described in this thread Some UGCs are not sorted in the order in which they were uploaded to stores in the group

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I had this same issue yesterday.

While the items do appear now, its frankly unacceptable that they didn’t appear right away.

We need to be able to have our items be discoverable in order to make them sell. We also don’t know how the algorithm works, but I’d be willing to bet it favors items that sell well when it’s first uploaded.

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The bug has now been fixed for me as well, very irritating though as it ruined my first drop.

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My problem is that this has happened several times in the past. I don’t trust that it’s “fixed” as much as “it isn’t currently occurring but may again in the future.”


I believe this is happening again. I put my item onsale and it only shows when the show unavailable items filter is turned on…


I doubt it will ever get fixed at this point, but having it work sometimes is better than it not working at all for me. It did happen to me again, but I am just going to ignore it instead of letting it deter me from ugc.


This bug is back again, both for accessories and classic clothes.


Can the fix this its genuinely frustrating that my UGCS won’t all show up, this WILL affect sales if there’s 0 visibility on the catalog as a bug on Roblox’s end.

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