New Zombie Shooter Game Feedback [Finished]

This post has been completed, but feel free to play the game if you want. You can also do the poll.

Here is the link:

Thank you!

How is the test map for concept?
  • Great!
  • Decent
  • Slightly Boring
  • Very Boring

0 voters

This post will be completed on January 29th, 2023


Update: I added bullet punch function so bullets can pierce through more than 1 zombie at a time.

i just joined and first impressions not so great
image (image ignore it but it seems very stretched)
did you use offset for these? use scale instead, offset is BARELY used
why do i have to load ALL shells every time into my shotgun even if i fire only one shot, making a single loading system is easy
recoil is ATROCTUSLY high for some reason
pretty ok for a starter

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Haha yeah, the main menu definetly does need a rework (I used Scale instead of Offset). It’s just a placeholder for now, but thank you for the tips. Yes, I do plan on making the shotgun reload for each shell instead of 8 in a row no matter what. Recoil-wise thank you also for the feedback!

I like how smooth the game is, we will ignore the main menu

Two issues so far,

  • The recoil is the same for every weapon, and It doesn’t feel natural, it’s too large
  • Bug: when you reload and switch weapons, you can switch back to the gun that was reloading and get the ammo immediately

You should add camera bobbing when walking, it will make the game feel way better, maybe move the viewmodel of the guns a bit to the right, feels centered to me (personal opinion)

But overall the game is pretty good and smooth well except the zombies teleporting back after the animation, but I wouldn’t know how to fix it either, I’m guessing the HRP automatically goes back to original position after the anim ends


Thank you for the feedback, and pointing the bugs out. I will definetly try to improve according to what you suggested.

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Alright thank you guys! I added Bobbing and Swaying to the game now, should have more quality. For the recoil, aiming will dampen recoil by half. Do you think that is reasonable, or should I still lessen it overall?

Other way around. Scale is being used here instead of offset. They need to switch to offset.

The question that keeps players thinking if they should play is, “What’s the point?”
This question is easy to answer from the title of the game, but the way it is executed isn’t right. The game’s lighting looks like something from the 2017 era of lighting. I think it should be more realistic before sponsoring.


Most of the recommendations for the game have been fixed (aside from the main menu).

Update: Fixed the Main menu to be more interesting. Once there is more game modes I will add a selection list, but for now its one game mode.

Looks good. Main menu is way better than before, the game is fun, overall a 7/10. It feels like just another COD Zombies (I think) Roblox game without any unique niche, but overall fun.

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Thank you, and yes I am trying to go for a COD Zombies styled game mode. I will add more things such as perks and such. Thank you for trying out the game.

Alright thank you for the feedback. Yes I will definetly make the music quieter. As for animations, I am not very good at animations so I will try to improve them. I will also try to mess around and fix the lighting too. Thank you also for playing the game!


  • Guns should now work shooting out windows
  • Lighting / shading is a bit different hoping to improve quality
  • Added a function for quicker reload speed, fire rate and a damage multiplier. (Will be used in the future)

Misc. Update / feature: Added a Voiceline that has a 10% chance to play when a player kills a zombie.

Update: Made windows’ rebuilding board system have more quality and more interesting.

This is way later but damn this looks so much better then what people saw yesterday

The play button was kinda funky tho IG

bru no special cursor ;-;

would be interesting if we had arms even without holding the gun

The texture isn’t bad, but more detail would be nice (something feels off about the texture, like its a bit too smooth or something, idk)

add another aim button for people without mouses ples

reminton has a WHOLE LOT of recoil but nearly no dmg

idk if its glitch or something i dont seem to be taking dmg

what in the world is that? (add like a fog or something)

the map is a bit small

My arm dissapears everytime the reload animation plays (for a split second, then it comes back)

zombie gets sent back outside after playing the spawn animation (then proceeds to walk back in through the wall)

I can repair the board faster then the zombie breaks it, theoretically, with 6 players, you dont ahve to fight at all (and the zombie despawns after a while if it cant get in)

if you push a zombie when it comes in the house, this happens X D

oh yea and you can theoretically fix a window right when a zombie gets in, whic would probably cause some glitches, however, ive not been lucky enough to do dat

the game is quite unfinished as theres only a small map, one type of zombie, you cant die, and the round never ends, but it seems it could be cool


Hah, yes the title page is definetly better, thank you. There is a cursor for weapons, it just must have not loaded. Thank you for the suggestion of arms without holding a gun, I may do that but I intend on having it so you have to hold a gun. You caught the game at a point where I accidentally updated it and forgot to put the atmosphere and lighting things back into it (lol). I disabled damage for now, just for the testing map. I will try to fix the bugs you said such as the zombie’s animation resetting back to the normal point and then teleporting inside. Thank you for playing, aswell as the feedback!

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you can hide the name tags of the zombies
go to their humanoid, displaydistancetype, and then set to none (its your choice)

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Yes, I was just enabling it for testing to see the damage visually (other than the hit feedback indicator). I will disable it when I release an official map. (Thank you for the idea)

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