The bigger gap between objects does make it easier to read, I think this should be a setting where you can customize it.
Let’s everyone decide what they want.
When click on + button icon and show on top right: value (0, 0) position window. Expected Behavior click on, show on position with mouse or + button icon.
I love the new Explorer! However, I have encountered a major productivity issue. Previously, when you selected an instance and then cleared the search, your Explorer would jump up to where the selected instance is located. However, now it seems that this behavior is no longer there.
Erhm i’m having a hard time trying to create a micro profiler dump since the lag caused by the explorer causes the micro profiler to only save like a very small amount of frames so i cant exactly create a dump fast enough for the profiler to not ditch the old frames with the lag
Increase the dump higher than 32 frames–ignore the microprofiler appearing black, it shouldn’t cause a problem. That’s not cause of lag, that’s just cause of profiling.
I am encountering this issue on my laptop on 1080p resolution and 125% scaling. Changing the scaling settings (even to 100%) doesn’t fix it unfortunately. Also this affects all Studio elements that use Luau not just explorer but it doesn’t seem to affect older elements that still use QT, it also affects the Roblox client. I hope it gets fixed for both.
This is easily observable - Move your mouse around quickly over top of elements and notice the seemingly laggy response. This doesn’t happen with the old explorer window. It feels like a 1-frame-off issue, e.g. writing the new hover color after the render has occurred, forcing it to not appear til next frame.
I do like how you can clearly see what is parented to the selected object unlike before as well as when duplicating an instance it numbers it like other game engines. My only problems with it currently is that hotkeys don’t currently work such as duplicating and copy and paste. Other then that this one is very good (Edit: Hotkeys are now working.)