Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

Ok, sure it could use a bit of improvement but it doesn’t look THAT bad.

Yep I agree View menu is a weird spot for it.


Will we be able to have the current layout of the studio UI on the next gen UI? Please. :pray:


A little surprised those of you currently using the Preview Beta didn’t notice the new right click options we put out this week. :slight_smile: (You can also double click the tabs, we hope to get some hover behavior in soon)

Sep-05-2024 19-31-40

We will be making a new DevForum thread soon going over the various things we’ve done since the first release and what to expect next. Thanks to everyone that has provided constructive feedback!


@ehm2007cz @Fan_Len4ika1Tvink123 @pashleyy @FordNGuns @GroogyDoggy and any others that asked for this on week 1 :sweat_smile:


ive been taking my screenshots wrong all this time…

just tested this, its great. only bad thing is the tooltips staying longer than they should

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Yeah there’s a known issue with tooltip clean up we need to fix. Thanks!

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I never got an experience with the new start page, however I can give my feedback on the studio UI itself
this is great, I could live with this if it ends up being added, but I do have two complaints related to the ribbon and plugin tab

first up, the ribbon is way too large in my opinion, I like the design but it takes up a lot of the overall screen height, it should at least be shrunk to half of its current size
and for the plugin tab, I would love if the toolbar labels were added back, I don’t use tons of plugins but I can see how this can get really annoying
I also agree that the recent places option in file should be added back

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works great thank you, I can actually use the new ui now

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I would still love to see the ability to get less padding on the ribbons etc I just feel like they take up a lot of space, with the next gen ui providing a lot of configurations it would be fitting to have a setting to let us actually adjust that i feel.

:grin: Going to try Next Gen UI later!

Ah, so that’s why I suddenly got it. I don’t mind that I did because I think its honestly quite good aside from them lowering the amount of recent places shown to just 6 for some reason?

Also just wondering, will we ever see togglable toolbar positions? (See image below for what I mean) Because it’s quite weird RN having them on the centre because I’m so used to it being on the left. I may get used to it but I’m sure a lot of others will have this same complaint when it releases.

There’s an issue going on with the home tab. The menu will entirely disappear once I enter the home page. I’ve tried reinstalling the studio, but it still doesn’t fix the issue.

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[Previous post deleted because I forgot to unreply]

What are these errors? I’ve gotten them for a while now ever since I enabled the new UI, I don’t know if this is a new UI thing or what, but they’re weird, my game has 0 scripts too, so.

Guys I saw the new Studio UI after the most recent studio update!

The ribbon sometimes vanishes, requiring a restart of Roblox Studio…

Edit: Nevermind, it seems to be when you do multi-instance.

does this mean that the “newly” redesigned icons from 2022 will now be replaced in a couple of months?

i’m quoting newly because these are now 2 years old at this point

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I was more referring to a specific date of the release, not just a fanmade discussion tab. But thanks anyway.