Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

A part of the reason for the current testing is to measure real world performance compared to the old UI in the same version of Studio. We don’t show any animations or effects if we have the actual data to show.


Please bro this shit sucks :sob: just make the ui style a setting for gods sake


I doubt they can just do that considering they’re migrating from one framework to another - it might just not have the elements needed to replicate the old UI correctly. You’re effectively asking for two separate versions of studio in the same package.


Well they better figure out something because this is TERRIBLE.
The entire UI looks bloated, but the icons are tiny at the same time
The tabs are centered now, so forget the muscle memory we formed for YEARS doing this
Things are rearranged to the point where I cant find them anymore
Also they removed specific place selection on the recents tab so now I have to go hunt for it instead.

I don’t understand why people are praising this, it’s going to be a nightmare for my productivity and is just generally worse looking in my opinion

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Atleast someone in here knows…

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Yup that’s why it’s in beta. It’s unfinished and they’re collecting feedback.

Again, early stages:

They could just add a setting to left align them if enough people request it lol. The responses to feedback on this have been much better than usual.

Since we’re meant to be getting custom tabs you should just be able to move stuff back if you don’t like it.

Opinions differ, I suppose. It’s far too early to write it off - beta features are well… beta features. They’re not meant to be perfect. Just offer your feedback and if enough people voice the same concerns they’ll be addressed.


Well at the very least they should include an automatic function to just rearrange the new UI to be similar in layout to the old one.

Just do it yourself, use the quick access toolbar, or don’t use the new menu at all. It’s still unfinished but it’s already hurting your workflow soooo much.

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if we can’t move the tabs, than the custom tabs are useless.

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you probably will be able to move them, if not that is a design flaw.

Keyword, “Going”. Read my post.
Obviously I’m not using it until it’s going to be forced upon us.

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can we get a toggle for the new menu ui? i liked the old one better, it felt more user friendly to me


btw, i like the look, i dont like the layout, maybe making it modern but making it also look like the old ui would be cool (if you know what i mean)

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its also pretty memory heavy on my end, but idk if it was like that before the new ui

I forgot to mention that from what I can tell this only happens when opening a .rbxl file from windows file explorer. It doesn’t seem to be affected if you open them in Roblox Studio

When the tooltip fix gets merged in will they become dark like the “custom tabs coming soon” one too?


Hi, I just checked so apologize for late response. How can I check the logs?

The window came back to the current version now.

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It’s very hilarious seeing people like you complain about the most random things possible.

First of all, you don’t even provide an actual point why you think the new interface sucks.

Second of all, why does it even matter? How much time do you actually spend on that page? For me it’s just 5 seconds to click on the place I’m trying to edit.

Roblox, just like all the other platforms, needs to modernize itself. It can’t just stay the same forever. Now cut this nostalgic stuff and give actual useful replies that can help Roblox Staff improve it.


Aaaand it broke xD

lmao this is like asking Microsoft employees to add a “Use Windows 7 interface” mode on Windows 11

maybe the reason people are “praising” this new UI is because the current Qt UI is a buggy, outdated, Windows 7 looking application, excluding all the problems with its base framework

seems like a skill issue, personally I haven’t had any issues not finding something in the new ribbon, not to mention that the “Script” tab no longer disappears which is much better

but you will be able to make your own tabs, so you should be able to rearrange the stuff that you need

a feature that would be used by 1% of users, in my opinion it would look bad since it’s too left aligned

crazy how only the ribbon part got released in the BETA and you are calling all the effort engineers spent on reworking and modernizing “shit”

just give it time, and if you have actual constructive feedback about what could be changed then post it here