Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

They are not, I tried to reinstall one of them and it didn’t work either.

Also i forgot to say, it’s happening on the current ui too.

Thanks for the feedback.

One of the biggest things on the experiences navigation is the limitations we have with the current search function. Today we can’t search across all those groups at the same time so we are making due with that limitation. Our eventual goals is what we call “omnisearch” which works like you (and I! ) would expect.

We actually put recents right on the Home tab which we thought would be more prominent and convenient. But we acknowledge the sizing, number of elements, etc. can be improved and we’re working on that. We will also eventually allow pinning/bookmarking — our whole goal is to get out of your way so you can focus on creating.

Hopefully you had the chance to read the OP so I won’t repeat too much here. But TLDR is that it is early days, we are by no means presenting this as ready to go fully live, and we agree with a lot of the feedback we’ve heard.

Ok, sure it could use a bit of improvement but it doesn’t look THAT bad.

Yep I agree View menu is a weird spot for it.


Will we be able to have the current layout of the studio UI on the next gen UI? Please. :pray:


A little surprised those of you currently using the Preview Beta didn’t notice the new right click options we put out this week. :slight_smile: (You can also double click the tabs, we hope to get some hover behavior in soon)

Sep-05-2024 19-31-40

We will be making a new DevForum thread soon going over the various things we’ve done since the first release and what to expect next. Thanks to everyone that has provided constructive feedback!


@ehm2007cz @Fan_Len4ika1Tvink123 @pashleyy @FordNGuns @GroogyDoggy and any others that asked for this on week 1 :sweat_smile:


ive been taking my screenshots wrong all this time…

just tested this, its great. only bad thing is the tooltips staying longer than they should

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Yeah there’s a known issue with tooltip clean up we need to fix. Thanks!

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I never got an experience with the new start page, however I can give my feedback on the studio UI itself
this is great, I could live with this if it ends up being added, but I do have two complaints related to the ribbon and plugin tab

first up, the ribbon is way too large in my opinion, I like the design but it takes up a lot of the overall screen height, it should at least be shrunk to half of its current size
and for the plugin tab, I would love if the toolbar labels were added back, I don’t use tons of plugins but I can see how this can get really annoying
I also agree that the recent places option in file should be added back

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works great thank you, I can actually use the new ui now

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I would still love to see the ability to get less padding on the ribbons etc I just feel like they take up a lot of space, with the next gen ui providing a lot of configurations it would be fitting to have a setting to let us actually adjust that i feel.

:grin: Going to try Next Gen UI later!

Ah, so that’s why I suddenly got it. I don’t mind that I did because I think its honestly quite good aside from them lowering the amount of recent places shown to just 6 for some reason?

Also just wondering, will we ever see togglable toolbar positions? (See image below for what I mean) Because it’s quite weird RN having them on the centre because I’m so used to it being on the left. I may get used to it but I’m sure a lot of others will have this same complaint when it releases.

There’s an issue going on with the home tab. The menu will entirely disappear once I enter the home page. I’ve tried reinstalling the studio, but it still doesn’t fix the issue.

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[Previous post deleted because I forgot to unreply]

What are these errors? I’ve gotten them for a while now ever since I enabled the new UI, I don’t know if this is a new UI thing or what, but they’re weird, my game has 0 scripts too, so.

Guys I saw the new Studio UI after the most recent studio update!

The ribbon sometimes vanishes, requiring a restart of Roblox Studio…

Edit: Nevermind, it seems to be when you do multi-instance.