Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

ah, interesting

then it’s compiled Luau Bytecode


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Suggestion: Adding the thing back that allows you to close and open the panel because for some of us it takes up too much space of the screen when always open, and when you close it should only show this:


we aint on windows here… its possible that they add it

Honestly the new UIs looks way cleaner and way easier to understand than the old UIs, the only issue is some of the menus go off the screen (for me atleast) as the images show:

but overall its way better and honestly i will use it from now on


Basically what I said.
I think it doesn’t match that good with other Studio UI.


It was the same plugin for me, so I did some digging.

Apparently this causes the crash:

local plugin = PluginManager():CreatePlugin()
local Toolbar = plugin:CreateToolbar("test") -- you need to actually interact with the plugin variable for the crash to occur
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Super excited to see this starting to become available! I have been waiting for this particular update for a long time!! I pray that you guys not only fix issues with the current multi-client test feature, but improve the user flow for it as well. My biggest gripe with studio currently is the terrible UX when trying to run a test with 2+ clients.

I love the move to a more custom UI layout and I hope that this layout will better accommodate the plethora of features present in studio that weren’t there previously. I am looking forward to custom tabs as well! I hope it will work as a drag-and-drop style system where I can create line-ups of my own most used tools.

Amazing work to the team, I know this has been long in the making!

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Happening to me as well. No matter if I load a small game or a bigger one.

Ty - I think we’ve narrowed down the issue to plugins using a deprecated API. We’re actively working on a fix now that should stop the crash and allow those plugins to be used and function as expected.

For now, a workaround is to disable those plugins.


More crucial screen space being taken up for a… blank bar with a bell and text? Everything needs to be smaller.

If this UI really is now built with Lua, it clearly shows, with some of the popups and dropdowns clipping outside of studio:

I’d also like to show off how large each entry is in the tabs. It also appears that the only customizability we will have is the ability to make more tabs, to shove our random garbage in, mostly plugins, since tabs will run out of space a LOT.

The dropdown menu has no outline or shadow. It just covers whatever it’s on creating a weird effect for other elements with the same characteristics. It also appears that some of my plugins, which were condensed into one dropdown menu themselves in the old UI, have ungrouped in a sense. Not sure why that happened.

I posted this in the New UI discussion thread:

It unfortunately appears that the UI team has decided to only make the topmost menu compact and simple, while the ribbon bar remains oversized and bubbly.
I was hoping they’d change that, but it appears the redesign will be inconsistent and harder to manage.
My attached image would be ideal to work in when it comes to Roblox Studio. Everything would fit. The explorer, properties, and many other menus already have this kind of style. Why make everything inconsistent by shoving an inferior design into it as well? Perhaps it’s simply to mimic the inconsistencies found in Windows 11?
If I am able to customize the new UI to look compact and professionally designed like it should’ve been, then I have no problem. Otherwise, I will consider this a visual downgrade.

Any particular reason on why it can’t just be rewritten but maintain a sensible UI?


The only thing that’s been redone in the current state of this beta is the ribbon UI at the top. 70% of your complaint here is about Qt and not the new UI lol


This is still a beta feature, many things will still change with the help of good feedback, be patient!

looks good, modernisation of ui is always helpful however it would be nice if everything remained in a similar position

Keeping it simple: looks great but there’s too much empty space (the top UI is so big!)

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Please add this in the new beta that’s just what I need

Captura de tela 2024-07-18 170840


I personally do not like the new “modernisation” ui design which is a copy from Microsoft that companies are all trying to do, just stick to the same layout but update all the code behind it and fix the issues, it does not need to be changed this drastically and pointlessly moving stuff around to be miles apart or hidden behind extra steps messing with years of muscle memory that people have built up.

If this is going to be added regardless of what people say at least add an option to use the old layout or edit the layout to the point it’s literally the old layout but with the new code behind it because it’s not going to be fun having to relearn the whole layout when just trying to develop when the layout was never an issue and everything was where you needed it.


There’s a trend where every single Roblox redesign is bloated and uses space worse than their legacy counterparts.

Will we ever get the option to have a “pro” mode that wastes less space?
I understand the tool is meant to be intuitive for new users, but some of us are using Studio 10 hours a day, we don’t need half an inch of vertical space being used for 4 tab buttons- we’d rather see additional information, shortcuts, and plugins.

Also, when can we pop out viewports again? This has been missing for several years.


It crashes for me, this is something you can look into


Also, when can we pop out viewports again? This has been missing for several years.

You can do that today - they added this in the docking controls beta.


I like how the current UI is just fine and dandy, already know where the icons are despite having changed left and right a couple of updates ago, but the next-gen UI is just a topbar got a new coat of paint and a bit of spit from Waiter at Olive Garden.

This feels more like mobile UI than just being the next “Unreal Engine” or whatever people are using atm that is not Godot. It needs more thinking before it becomes its own thing, or even allows us to use the legacy version of Studio UI. Right now, it takes way too much space than it needs to be and it will ruin people’s experience of using Roblox Studio while they have to deal with smaller screen resolution.