Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

Just knowing it was in Qt is enough for me to express my condolences. I’m very firmly on the side of Roblox redoing it in Luau, even if it looked exactly the same, since it’s so much easier to work with.

Plus we can all use more Roblox dogfooding their own engine. I know you guys do it plenty with the LuaApp, but it’s still awesome to have more of it.

I think it kind of flickers on and off. I do think this happened with the default layout, but instead would have a “Download a Copy” button that did the same thing. I like to keep a copy of my game on my PC in case anything happens, so I hope to find a solution or reason why it’s not there.

are there any plans to eventually combine the menu bar with the title bar like a lot of apps on windows do nowadays?


unfortunately cannot test this beta feature out as i crash every time i open studio with the beta enabled

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Thanks! Was able to launch studio with -disableLoadUserPlugins to disable the Beta Feature.

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There’s absolutely no “re-skinning” here. The new UI is a whole new chunk of code from the ground up, The old UI has suffered many years of fairly inconsistent UI implementations which make it impossible to simply migrate to a design system.

It will take time and coordination with other teams to migrate old UI to the new UI frameworks. For third party plugins, it will be on those developers to get them up to date. We will provide a combination of modern UI components and resources to help them get moved over. But it’s a little too early for that right now while we are still just getting feedback.


I’ve never tried React myself so its hard for me to make assumptions on it (since i use Fusion v0.3). On the other hand, they’re working on improving performance. I wonder how would that work? Optimize React internals? Optimize components themselves? We’ll see.

bffr it’s a half-axed ui overhaul…

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Please ensure that all users have the option to use the old ui. The new ui for me looks horrific and massively ruins a lot of the functionality of everything being compact.
The new UI makes the top left buttons smaller (File, edit, view etc.) and also separates buttons from the single ribbon to two separate ones, which is not only unnecessary, but where are there duplicate tabs for plugins in both ribbons?

The last UI overhaul was awful and immensely ableist due to its reduction in colour-coded icons for instances and the tool buttons within the ribbon dropdown. This just goes even further into making the icons more complex and poorly sized, as well as generally ruining people’s existing muscle memory.

Solid colours being removed resulting in the tool icons becoming only lines massively reduces their distinction and makes it much harder for those with vision disability to use studio, i.e. astigmatism. Strongly reconsider the mistakes in this “Next Gen” Studio UI. At the bare minimum give us a fully functional option to use the existing UI, and don’t deprecate support for it in the future either.
More options for developers is better.
I already see atleast 10 other replies also asking for the option to use the old UI, so don’t ignore actual developers this time, Roblox staff.


No. How do I turn it off? I never asked for my studio to be forced to look different in a way I do not like. If this new “look” :face_vomiting: is forced, I might reconsider switching to UE5 for the 23987th time.


My only real issue with it currently is no way to hide/show it like the old Ribbon bar. It currently just takes up too much space for me to be able to keep it enabled

Sorta? On MacOS, you automatically get a search option in the Help menu. This is provided by the OS so there isn’t a windows equivalent.

Where you thinking of a search bar in the Plugins menu? Tab? Both?


Yeah I’ve noticed padding taking a lot more space and no way to collapse this ribbon. Might be temporary regression. Not all of us can afford to have 1080p, 1440p or 4K (i have 1080p but yeah, takes more space compared to old)


That’s a reasonable concern. Do you think custom tabs where you can put any combination of tools you’d like on a single tab will help? Do you utilize shortcut keys today?


We have discovered a crash with what appears to be older plugins that make a call to a deprecated function. Not something we could’ve caught with our testing (and we do test against popular community plugins)

Hotfix is in progress.


Hey Paul, great update!

I was just wondering if you guys will bring back collapsing the top nav like the old UI?


Also not a big deal, but the main center nav doesn’t warp so on small screens might create some issues


There is work in progress :slightly_smiling_face:


Almost certainly, yes. Ultimately we want to Studio to be flexible enough to be useable without a ribbon at all.