Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

Absolutely not, this is terrible. This would be enough for me to leave the platform. Atleast make it so you can choose what UI you would like for your studio.


Everything has to update eventually, it’s not the end of the world.

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Nah, if you aren’t able to choose which studio UI you’d like to use, I’ll be leaving the platform, the platform I’ve been developing on since 2014.

It’s equivalent to learning Blender, or Photoshop, and then they change the entire layout of it, and having to re-learn where everything is.

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Modernization is good, the ui is good, its just that companies that do modernization only do a part of the ui, and leave the rest looking old, its whats happen rn. Either do a full ui revamp or dont do it

We get it, you don’t like change, but you have to understand that this is not just a “reskin”. The entire Studio is getting it’s framework rewritten, outdated and buggy elements are finally getting removed, this new framework will give engineers an easier way to improve Studio and add more features later on than the current pile of Qt 5 mess that the current Studio can be described as.

If you really leave the platform just because Roblox is modernizing and improving their systems, then I’m sorry to break it to you but most other softwares have similiar modern and clean interface design that Studio will also adapt to in 2025.

Just give it time, it will be a lot better than the current one.


After roblox finishes making all their ui into lua, they should make the ui code open source so people can modify it and add custom skins or features


I have no idea what you mean, the layout is basically the same with some few things missing.


Thank You - this really solves the problem.
At first it took longer than usual for the experience test to start, but after a couple of tests, it seemed to be normal again.

For the Gen Studio UI, I will have to go the long haul & disable all plugins (±30), then switch them on 1 by 1, and see which will work with the trial Studio UI.
In no hurry for it… but guess if others want to use it… they’ll have to do that.

We have the fix ready for the next Studio release. Should only be a few more days!


This is definitely VERY rushed, the UI is clean but it takes too much space, and I hope it will have every feature the current UI has before implementing this new one.

They didn’t mention this but I hope this does become a thing!

I don’t think anyone said anything about leaving because of this…
Just hoping it has all the features the current one has and more and the UI is cleaner before it is forced onto us, Roblox does need a UI change and a better framework.

I agree with what this guy says:

I’m not expecting this UI to be fully released this year, maybe in the middle of 2025, my reasoning is the same as the quote above, I just don’t want to have problems with it.

Please make the top bar collapsible like it is currently. I think it is much more clean to be able to look at a tab’s contents only when needed.

Also, as others have stated, it doesn’t make much sense to only revamp the top bar. The properties tab, the explorer, and the output could really do with a fresh change too.


The guy I originally replied to mentioned leaving the platform, and if I remember correctly there was another user who also stated this in the old thread

Very exciting! I enjoyed trying for a few minutes, although cannot use daily until collapsing ribbon is added, because every bit of vertical screen real estate is simply too useful for productivity - it enables reading enough lines of full-width Output, seeing needed Properties at a glance without unnecessary scrolling, etc. Speaking as a keyboard shortcuts user. Looking forward to great things ahead :smiley:

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Fun Fact: You can give feedback without being rude.


It can take a few seconds for the text in the macOS fullscreen menu bar to fully render. This is an issue in the legacy Studio UI as well, but more apparent with more menu options being available.

Running macOS 14.3.1

In the following video you can see the slow reaction to opening/closing the top bar


In some way my plugin being created twice on the toolbar I think maybe this course the id error (it’s here not yet the error) but in the previous ui it was only once (twice counted the public version) and way give the assistance the depraved plugin created api I changed the description and it apply it on both buttons what means it comes from the same folder and I have only one button in the script and one widget and one core Gui widget

Add back the ability to hide the topbar please! :man_facepalming: