Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

The guy I originally replied to mentioned leaving the platform, and if I remember correctly there was another user who also stated this in the old thread

Very exciting! I enjoyed trying for a few minutes, although cannot use daily until collapsing ribbon is added, because every bit of vertical screen real estate is simply too useful for productivity - it enables reading enough lines of full-width Output, seeing needed Properties at a glance without unnecessary scrolling, etc. Speaking as a keyboard shortcuts user. Looking forward to great things ahead :smiley:

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Fun Fact: You can give feedback without being rude.


It can take a few seconds for the text in the macOS fullscreen menu bar to fully render. This is an issue in the legacy Studio UI as well, but more apparent with more menu options being available.

Running macOS 14.3.1

In the following video you can see the slow reaction to opening/closing the top bar


In some way my plugin being created twice on the toolbar I think maybe this course the id error (it’s here not yet the error) but in the previous ui it was only once (twice counted the public version) and way give the assistance the depraved plugin created api I changed the description and it apply it on both buttons what means it comes from the same folder and I have only one button in the script and one widget and one core Gui widget

Add back the ability to hide the topbar please! :man_facepalming:


Ever heard the phrase “If it aint broke, don’t fix it”?
There was nothing wrong with studio’s UI, it worked and it worked well, this is just minimalist rubbish that worsens studio’s looks and functionality.

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Not to mention the fact Studio got a modern facelift literally a year ago and since then has received multiple design edits, This is way too far, I’m not some “old roblox i love old roblox” type of guy i just understand that there is nothing wrong with studio as it is right now.
You don’t need to modernize stuff just because you can

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And even when they tried appeasing that crowd they failed spectacularly by rereleasing a classic themed The Hunt which was already received terribly by the community

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All roblox got last year was new icons :skull:
Your getting upset just to be upset. Not to mention your bio literally says and I quote “i dabble in the roblox studios from time to time”, if you aren’t always in studio why do you care what roblox does to THEIR engine.


(different department btw, roblox events aren’t managed by the same team that works on studio)


OK, here’s my pitch.

  • The padding is too much for me.

The padding is way too much. I would prefer more space for the viewport height, and more options for the UI. Also, is this bottom space necessary? I get that it stores the performance statistics, but you could do it somewhere else (for example, an overlay on the viewport, or on the topbar?)

  • Not much customization.

Most people have a 720p or 1080p monitor. We don’t get the choice of scaling the UI, though. You should think about adding options for scaling different parts of the UI (side windows, topbar, etc.) And allow us to customize the icons shown in the username part of the topbar (Assistant, Notifications, etc.) and some freedom in the main toolbar.

Just make this more dynamic and remove unnecessary details, condense it to a menu, etc. OR move some parts somewhere else.

  • Unclear buttons.


This icon isn’t what I would think of ‘character’, I would prefer the icon to be a Roblox character (not those ugly Rthro models you push onto everyone, by the way), because I don’t think of this when I think character icon.


This is a strange choice for the TextLabel icon. You could’ve made it more like a label, but a circle? Really…?



Why do you make the icon for the ServerScript green, but in the Explorer, it’s white?! Why make the icon for the ModuleScript white, but in the Explorer it’s… PURPLE? This is just kind of irritating.

  • Some minor flaws.

These plugins go off the edge.

  • Stuff that is not essential is shoved into your face.

Do we really need Assistant shoved in our faces when we probably use it like, half of the time? In my opinion, just move it to the main toolbar on top. Again with the share button. Does anyone really need this when you can just go to the website and find your game there?

For some reason, maybe it’s just me, but this place selector looks off from the rest of the new UI. The top UI is okay though, maybe in the future convert that to your new design, but please don’t make it so padded to the point that I have to scroll through menu options.

Final verdict:

You did somewhere between OK and a great job at refreshing the Studio UI. However, there are some flaws and inconsistencies in the design. You should also allow users to have some freedom of what they want their UI to look like, and also just have an option to go back to the old UI, like what some JetBrains programs do. Some people just like the older look of Studio, me included. I also think this isn’t going to help out new creators much - just my opinion. Also, does this mean you’re going to remake the UI of the main menu page, or the sidebar windows?

6.5/10. Could be better, but it’s mostly okay, and it won’t bother me too much, and my only complaint is that the height is overkill, like what you’re doing with the new ingame controls UI (the topbar, kind of ugly, I suggest you should go back.) Could be worse, might go back to the old UI because it feels more like home.

PS: Where is Game Settings…? I was so used to it being in Home. Where is it??? I’m so confused. Why did you remove it from the easiest spot to access??? Hello??? I need it!!! Nevermind, it’s in the main toolbar now. But this was a weird decision to make.


So I have enabled this but I am having trouble finding the screenshot button. Idk they are working on a button or not?

There was nothing wrong, correct, but the same base UI has been used since around 2015 if I’m correct, and this upgrade looks promising. This is still stage 1 of this UI and will only get better over time.

Face it, every program will eventually go theough modernization, and you may have used some apps with modern UI too.


You know why the base UI hasnt changed in the past 9 years? Because it worked, it was good ui, it was usable, it was simple, and it looked nice. and that is true to this day.

I have used apps with modern UI, Roblox’s Develop page. I’m not some “eugh modernism” type of guy if it works and it fixes something which NEEDED an update like roblox’s create page. Studio in its current form is as close to perfection as its ever going to get, an easy, intuitive, “online building toy” as roblox originally wanted to create. This update makes the UI less intuitive for the sake of modernism and minimalism. This is just a slap in the face


The design looks good, the only thing I ask is that they bring back the option to minimize the Ribbon as before, and be able to change the default Ribbon icons for fully customizable ones!

Had a chance to try out the new UI (was crashing on my main so I had to use a plugin-free alt). It’s undoubtedly beautiful, and I appreciate the revamped, (soon-to-be) customizable toolbar, as well as other numerous ease-of-use improvements. But, there are several glaring issues and regressions that make it hard for me to adapt it for the time being. Hopefully these get addressed and amended in the future.

Nevermind, I regret changing it to the new UI, there’s no undo or redo button nor a duplicate button.

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There are many reasons for the redesign described in the OP. Please read it before posting such comments.

The old Studio UI used a lot of hacky solutions. The new UI replaces these hacky solutions with official methods of the UI system. Not only does this make it easier for engineers to add new features, but it also allows new developers to learn the new UI faster because it is more consistent.
In addition, the new UI will eventually provide you with more useful tools to customize your development workflow.

Instead of complaining, just tell the engineers here in this thread what you would like to see changed. Unlike with most features added to Studio, this is your chance to talk directly to the product manager. Don’t be against progress. Give constructive feedback!

Many people, including myself, like the redesign. There’s so much to like about it. Not to mention that Mac users will benefit from Studio using the system menu bar. This update is needed and will benefit us all.

Remember that this update will never be canceled, but you can still change it with your feedback.


looks like we’re getting the Windows 11 treatment. I’ll pass

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