Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

i hope it is.

we need to remove (35,37,39) or (17,18,20) in favor of (18,18,18) which is much darker.

i prefer a true dark greyish-black rather than the current that has a bluish tint on it

It will potentially be customizable once this update comes out

Right now, Insert Basic Objects is missing, so it does slightly worsen my experience. The Object Browser can’t be used to insert Instances, and Insert Object in Explorer serves a slightly different use-case (even though still useful).

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Been getting myself used to the new UI and hopeful for all the opportunities that the behind the scenes rework could bring.

One thing I think would make development slightly quicker/easier is allowing right click on the buttons (such as test, insert part, gui, etc) to show the drop down as well as clicking in the corner. I find it very tedious having to make sure I click in the right spot to not accidentally go into the wrong test mode.

The first time I opened the new UI it was fine, but the second time all my fonts became thin like this. I can’t figure out how to fix it. What is going on?

Also, whenever I restart Studio, all my panels are suddenly exactly half the size that I last resized them to (my display is a 4K display with a scale factor of exactly 200%).

Pretty sure it’s the same issue:

Weird, it only happened on the second launch after enabling the UI so I thought it was some sort of setting bug. So lame.

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Just want to say, why is the top bar so thick? I feel like that should be a bit smaller, as it makes some menus look off.

My advice is to maybe make the bar thinner to counteract these issues if it actually releases.


Personally I like the studio play buttons centered above the tabs


Maybe the quick access feature looks cool here?


Maybe center it like one frame?


just shooting some ideas…

Sorry I’m not quite following here. When you say “Insert Basic Objects”, I think of this:

So can you explain more?

Yep that’s correct. The installer download can get corrupted fonts and this happens. A reinstall should resolve it.

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Yes this is a known issue and we’ll be fixing it eventually. Thanks!

There’s been numerous internal discussions about this. I’m aware Unity does this so it’s a familiar location for many people. The main problem is we are trying our best to minimize vertical wasted space (despite how it looks in the initial release) so that’s why the play test controls are sharing the same line as the tabs.

That said, we are starting to talk about what appearance customizations we can offer and center vs left alignment of the tabs is one of them so maybe we can think of options to go along with that.

Thank you for the feedback. Glad to see folks testing out in non-English languages!


No, that’s “insert part”, which has become sort of overloaded recently.

There used to be dedicated panel, accessible through the Model tab, that listed all instances, let you search through the classes, and insert them.

Having a dedicated panel for that was significant. Not like the plus icon in explorer, that is still useful but in its own way. Sure, object browser sort of exists but it serves a completely different purpose.

the title of this window was “Insert Basic Objects”. that wasn’t the name of the button that controlled it, but some button did exist as part of the Model tab, and that button did bring up this panel.

the panel wasn’t just for inserting objects, it was also for checking if they existed, or for correcting a misremembered class name. but it was important that it could do all of these, because it massively improves my productivity

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Screenshot 2024-08-13 211911
He might be referring to this.

lol, the overlapping buttons issue is still present

In some way if I switch from account the new ui being removed or lounge from the website

OK yes this is another one of those “we didn’t actually kill it and you’ll be able to add it back with customization” things. In the meantime, you can still get to it through Quick Open.

Windows: Alt + Ctrl + P
Mac: ⌥ + ⌘ + P

Generally speaking anything available in the Quick Open UI should be able to be added to a custom toolbar. We are just getting started with the customization architecture so no ETA just yet!

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Yeah I finally realized :sweat_smile: thank you!

We don’t want to over invest in responsive layouts until we get through stabilizing the overall design. The big win here is we got Team Create controls and social presence integrated fairly quickly.

We are still moving big parts around any time spent time fine tuning would be potentially lost. Thanks for your patience!

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