Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

the weird tab thing looks really bulky, i do not like it.

how do i start a local server test

lets FREAKING GO! i’ve been waiting for this ever since i heard it would be a possibility some time ago, it looks really nice, as a bit of a UI designer myself, i’ve honestly got no complaints atm.

for adding new tabs it would be awesome if you added a ui tab like the one in unreal and unity

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Please tell me this will be optional, I cannot imagine using this. This new UI is so unintuitive

Read the thread. It’s not on by default and will not be for at least a year, you should give feedback if you want improvement.

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Yeah, it’s optional for the time being, my concern is when it comes out of beta. Roblox has a tendency to force certain updates

Of course, it will be the default and the old systems will be thrown away once the preview beta ends and it releases properly. This update is not just a new UI, the backend is completely rewritten from the ground up with a new framework that will allow engineers to implement new features with ease, and it will possibly speed up the process.

Even if you don’t like it at the time of the release, it will still be out. That’s how updates work, something new gets created, it goes into the beta stage so feedback can be taken and bugs can be fixed, and after the beta stage, it moves on to production. So while it’s in the beta stage, you should give feedback to engineers on the areas that you think need improvement, so we can all get something that we like and enjoy using at the end of the day.


Is there anyone still unable to access like me? So I know this is beta but it’s weird that it still doesn’t work. When opened the project loads but then crashes.

The prospect of custom toolbars is amazing and will really benefit people, but there are issues with the new UI

The amount of dropdowns in the new UI really stalls development, and it’s harder to find what you are looking for. I use unions a LOT for my models and builds and having half the union operations be placed in dropdowns is extremely inconvenient. The amount of padding and empty space can be reduced to comfortably fit everything that’s in dropdowns


I would say it’s a very good update and I know it’s in beta. Although I have suggestion to make the ‘+’ symbol more bigger and visible because it’s quite hard to see and I didn’t notice until I stared for it long.


Really appreciate all the hard work you and your team do.

How about just remove the top, it’s just useless space,

Just do what FireFox is doing and make the tab space the same place that contains “File”, “Edit”, etc.

This will make everything look normal and use less vertical space.

They should make it similar to blender, the test buttons shouldn’t be there, they should be moved down so that my muscle memory doesn’t have to get readjusted to some really small icons.

Roblox should keep the same vertical size for the buttons because it looks nice but move those other buttons down and style them like the buttons on the far right.


They should disappear as soon as I move my mouse.

I wonder which plugins are causing the crash

The UI takes up a ton less space than the main functionality. I doubt there is two different builds.

few things i don’t like,
way too much padding on the top,
i prefer the “home, model, avatar…” on the left,
the only thing that is changed is the top bar, would be nice if everything else was changed to fit, this is probaly already the case just needs to be updated though

the new ui feels oversimplified to be honest, however new tabs is a feature I can get behind, I just wonder how it’ll work

or they can place a bevelled square outline around it to make it somewhat standout??