Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

Please we NEED an option to change studio theme colors, it would be very nice


reminder, you can still use the CTRL+SHIFT+G and CTRL+SHIFT+N and CTRL+SHIFT+I for unions negates and intersecting however i can agree that dropdowns are wayyy to excessive

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on a scale on 1 to where-the-heck-is-that-button how would u rate it?

Hey, I’ve been watching your yt channel for almost 2 years, you really helped me to learn how to script, thanks for providing such as a great content! Custom themes for roblox studio would be a nice feature tho

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Every time I open the new studio update; studio instantly closes itself and crashes so I have not tried it yet. Looks neat though.

There doesn’t seem to be a way of closing the ribbon. I really like the UI but the fact that I can’t close the ribbon makes developing very awkward, especially when dealing with UI! My screen size is 1366x768 and so is for many other people. I’m sure this isn’t intended and will be added back eventually but this is a dealbreaker for me, I’m kinda disappointed I have to revert back immediately after just trying it out. Hope this’ll get fixed asap

I can’t edit any game with the beta enabled, instantly crashes and closes studio when loading any place file.

Windows 10 64-bit
16GB ram
Samsung SSD
GTX 1660 S
Ryzen 5 3600
1920x1080p 144hz

How do you enable the Snippets button?

I kinda guessed something was supposed to be there since there is an extra separator line at the end of the Script tab:
None of the other tabs have this.

Also, not related to the person Im replying to, but I found a bug on startup:

Wow… This is amazing

I’ve heard there’s a few bugs but I’m on holiday right now… Hopefully when I get back in early August it’ll be all fixed

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i think it’s a one of the greatest update.
however, when i enable that new ui, it cause a crash on my pc


There is yet some issues sadly in the new UI for some reason, I litterally had to hop onto an alt with no plugins to get this up and working.

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Trying to keep this at the bottom (and at the top). Also @endlessfun @Excel @gta52135_reupload


You may want to edit the post and emphasize that Roblox is aware of the crashing bug on top.

Replied to the wrong person. I meant to say this to @MeshOfPaul.


Thank you for taking the time to provide this!


screenshotting this so I can laugh at it later.


Yes. Before we go full release the documentation team will need to make tons of new documents and update old ones. But it doesn’t make sense to do that until we’ve stopped making major updates and changes. That’s another reason for the 2025 estimate on full release.


Recent files will be making a comeback. We just couldn’t get it done in time for this first release.


Right now the only crash we are aware of is related to out of date third party plugins. Is the crash you’re seeing on place open? If it’s still happening can you send us logs?

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Now that we are in Lua and stylesheet land, we have a lot more options for “fancy” than we ever have. But it’s taken all of our effort to get everything working together and we don’t want to over invest in polish until we know all of the big, chunky elements are in a good place.