Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

OK I’m assuming you’re not talking about the Save to File action I was referring to because that’s still there in the File menu the same as the old UI.

If you want to export to OBJ that is available via the File menu or right click in the Explorer and select “Export Selection…”

If you want to save a part of the workspace as rbxm, that’s also a right click in the Explorer and select “Save to File…”

If you’re just asking for toolbar buttons that perform any of those actions, I’m pretty sure those also don’t exist in the old UI but you will eventually be able to do that with customized tabs.

Might they be referring to the “Download a Copy” option that was present when you’re in Team Create?


I’m referring to “Download a Copy” option in the previous UI, like Elttob said. It currently does not exist in the new UI.


Aha! @Elttob guessed correctly. :slight_smile: We didn’t explicitly remove it so it’s probably just a bug. We’ll take care of it!


If the aim of this is to look more professional, then it has done nothing but make Studio look like a child’s plaything.

it’s ok i didnt really make it clear lol
but heres what i mean:

^this thing is at the top and covers a whole bunch of the screen^

^here, its still there, even though there is no reason for it to be (i think)^

not as important things skip if you want lol

i get this is a beta thing, but it could be caused by my computer or even roblox settings as no one else seems to be having this issue. if you have no idea how to solve it, thats ok.
im getting a new WindowsOS computer anyway sometime (my old one broke… on vacation :pensive:) in the nearby future anyway. excited to see what this becomes!

Is there a reason why the wording is different? I’d assume it would still just be save to file like it normally is

so just because things are modern and spread out means it is a childs “plaything”


The amount of people that see this update as a mere “re-skin” or a “simple ui update” is insane, considering this update got set back a lot of times and is a complete new framework that engineers can work on much easily compared to the old one. Not even counting the ones that think this update is final and nothing is going to change.


I’d rather use a Studio that is a “child’s plaything” than an outdated and buggy straight out of 2014 looking application with a poorly built framework. This isn’t just a “reskin”, it’s a rebuild, new framework that is easier to work with and more modern, not to mention it’s Lua-based.


Will you be able to edit the pre-existing toolbars (such as the Home toolbar)
If that functionality could be provided, it would be greatly appreciated and help development as it’d be possible to remove less frequently used actions and replace them with actions the are used more frequently.

Also the View Menu missing is definitely hurting the my muscle memory built up over the years :stuck_out_tongue:, if possible to have it as an option it would be greatly appreciated. If not at least the ability to create a custom toolbar to replicate it’s functionality would be ideal!

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it looks great but. why cant i hide the top bar like i used to be able to do ??? i hate how large it is and how much screen space it takes up…

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Do you have any idea what setting it might be?
After resetting the studio setting it returned to normal! Not sure why even though I never touched the settings before.

YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! Thank you for all the good work you guys do.

Turning off all my plugins stops the crashing!

Does this mean we will be able to create Tabs for our “extensive plugins” ?

  1. For instance, it would be nice to group similar plugins together, unlike now, Studio places them where it wants.
  2. And as said before, with 3 rows of sliding plugins, those on the ends are often hidden.
  3. It would also be nice if all plugins can be set to one size… whereas some are currently bigger than others.

For me the worst part is the Plugins bar - if that can be fixed - that will be awesome.

And lastly, please try stabilize the boxes (plugin blocks) from popping up every time we test the experience, especially since they were not open in the 1st place.
I see I am not the only one, as youtuber tutorials have them popping up too.

Thanks - looking forward to the end product.

NB: I had to disable the Next Gen Studio UI - as it always crashed (100%) :frowning: .

I think that’s too drastic for me to do - then I’d rather wait till it’s in better working order.


Hmm thats how fast it loads now specially on the computer ur using in this video. Interesting! Its like a lightning speed I love it!

I hope there will be an option to retain the current UI design, as the new one doesn’t appeal to me and probably many others as much. Additionally, the rounded corners are a significant issue for me, so it would be great to have the ability to toggle them off.

That said, the Luau Framework looks promising — great job on that!

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May we finally get access for parts like Truss, MeshPart, SpawnLocation, etc. from dropdown menu?
Currently, these are available by inserting manually threw plus button.