Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

I’ve been waiting for this to be released for so long! It looks amazing, great work.
For a long time I have wished that the tools would be completely re-organized.

Some minor complaints:

The tabs look really weird.


Tooltips should be themed, maybe.

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Only way are the tabs buttons inside the viewport that collide with the in game ui

one plugin was useful and it crashed the studio
ended up recreating it myself and improving :eyes:

Maybe a custom ribbon and docking system each custom tab I should make one for ui scripting and building you can close plugins than when non Needed and a ability to place plugins there also

And pls bring back the custom Topbar it was useful to customise shortcuts that also can with the custom tabs each a other buttons

Make the save and publish a icon

Maybe there should be things in the program Topbar to save up some space

I think that’s a bug with the reconnect I already have that issue when It reconnected when my PC woke up it random opening alot of windows also it happens when you close your laptop and open when busy in studio on the old ui already

I have this bug when close and open my laptop while running studio it is enoying it take all CPU and doesn’t crash or something you need to reset to continue use your pc

It would be great if we could open and close the studio top bar like we used to.

The new UI reduces the visible space when working in the 3D viewport or writing scripts.

it looks very clean, it just needs some more finishing to do. for example i’d move the topbar context menu besides the window icon and moving the title in the middle, like in vs code for example:

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That’s true. Ty for pointing it out.

Not sure if anyone else has said this but it’d also be nice if we could drop-down plugins that have multiple icons


Hi, i recently enabled the new UI, after i did this, i couldn’t open any games anymore, because it would automatically close Roblox Studio.

But besides that, it looks really good!

I cant enter the place after enable beta UI Preview option.

Tooltips pop up over windows.

I’m impressed. I don’t really care for the state of the UI with it being beta as that can be looked into more strongly once it’s out of beta, especially since the underlying architecture allowing for more rapid iteration should mean that the team can respond more quickly to feedback and implementing popular feature requests.

Looking at how much communication the team has had on this thread alone has convinced me that it’s being lead by folks with a good amount of determination to get this right.


I got a black box in the top right corner closing the studio while tooltip is on, it require me to restart my PC to remove the blackbox(grey*)

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Thanks! Sorry about the plugin crash. We have a fix for it ready to go but it was too risky to push out as a hotfix/patch before the next release.

Yes you will be able to create multiple tabs and put any combination of plugins/tools together on them. Plugins and tools can also be in multiple places so you won’t be forced to pick which tab a tool appears (like how Select, Move, Scale, etc tools are in the current tabs)

I also think we’re going to keep looking into smooth scrolling tabs vs the overflow menu. We did a little bit of work there but just couldn’t get it working well enough in time for the first release.

And lastly, please try stabilize the boxes (plugin blocks) from popping up every time we test the experience, especially since they were not open in the 1st place.

I don’t quite follow this part. Are you talking about plugin panels opening up when you didn’t open them? There are some plugins explicitly coded to do this (for example Brushtool does this to me all the time). But I’m not sure if that’s what you mean.


this design is very human ngl, i like it it looks modern yk I love this update :heart:
just 1 thing, this section bar is causing too much space :sob:

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I think it’s just the difference between Team Create mode where everything is always server sync’ed. So “Download a Copy” is implying you can have a local file of it but the server version is still the source of truth.


Yeah we are actively talking about this. The dev team thinks it may be possible to allow some level of customization of the default tabs. At a bare minimum you’ll be able to hide them and effectively use only custom tabs you create (make your own View tab!) but I think we can do better than that.


Hide Ribbon and other appearance settings will be coming soon in future Beta updates.