Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

Excellent call out! I see absolutely no reason why we can’t get those in there.


Yes this is highly requested and we already have plans to bring this back. Just ran out of time on this first release. Thanks for making video!

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The “split button” component is brand new and we will definitely make it possible for plugin devs to support. Not sure if we could automatically do it with existing plugins but I’ll run it by our devs.


why do you guys have a timelimit? surely things will get butchered and rushed if you don’t get the necessary time to finish stuff

Wouldn’t the best course of action here be to allow us to customize this behavior instead of allowing plugin creators to force this on their users? Maybe even allow us to group completely separate plugins into one dropdown.

Roact is honestly way worse than QT. This is not gonna be a very liked update.

why does the collaboration button in Window not even work?

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when i enable the new feature roblox studio crashes upon opening the program. The time it takes to crash is different usually within 5 seconds after opening.

The new UI doesn’t use Roact and instead uses react-lua/React Roblox which is a direct port with some deviations from React


See top of thread - most likely an issue with some installed plugins (there have a been a few identified in this thread). Will be fixed in the next release. For now try disabling some or all plugins to use the beta until this is resolved.

Sometimes after closing studio it also seems to not fully shut down and has a random dark square on your screen

(This seems to have only happened with this beta enabled, for me atleast)

Uploaded log files here


There should be an option to adjust the amount of padding or the size of all the buttons; There’s far too much space between them imo. There should also be an option to combine the top two ribbons, there’s a lot of empty space in them, and they take up more vertical space than necessary.

Unless both of those options already exist? If so could someone lmk where they are

@MeshOfPaul sorry for a offtopic iseu but after you save a plugin multiple times you can’t save it anymore and it random says cannot create more than one plugin with the same id it’s not related to new ui but it is related to Studio since you guys are rewriting it maybe you can fix that

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It looks so ugly and unprofessional. I prefer the old design much more. :-1: The placement of the buttons in this new UI doesn’t feel intuitive at all, making it harder to navigate and use. If this is really going to be the default design of Studio, then at least add some animations.

Rushing and cutting corners is something we’ve explicitly avoided, so that’s why there’s just some things missing for now because we didn’t want to hack them in.

  1. We don’t want to go too far into this overhaul without getting some hands-on feedback from the community to validate we’re pointed in the right direction.

  2. There’s just so much work to be done between moving over existing functionality and then building new functionality (like customization), we have to draw a line at some point.

  3. All the work to merge this in to the main codebase and get out into production is a huge milestone on it’s own. We can now do weekly updates on top of this. Which is exactly what we plan to do.

Hope that helps give some insight!


Once things settle in a bit more, we fully plan to start on “Plugins 2.0” where we make plugin development much less painful. We experience these pains internally, as well. :frowning:


We mention in the announcement release notes that collaboration/Team Create functionality is not there yet. We are working on it and it will come soon with future updates.


I see a way forward to accomplish both scenarios. Where a plugin dev can have the ability to have default groupings but the creator can choose to customize it further.


This is not Roact.

It is React and, based on significant experience with both technologies, I simply cannot agree with you that Qt is better for this use case.

I don’t know about you but when I go out to eat, I don’t particularly care if the chef used gas or electricity to cook the food. Certainly not enough to let it affect my enjoyment of the meal :wink:

If our active user base is aware and concerned with what UI framework we use, then we have bigger problems to solve.


Hello, so far the UI has been great and way more performant than before, I have also realized that the annoying UI bugs that I used to get for dragging frames around quickly is gone.

But … how do I access test server? I can’t find the button to open a server as player1 and player2.