Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

You have to click one more time in order to access these actions. Menu bar → Edit → first two options are redo and undo

The old UI was primarily developed using Qt 5, which was released in 2012. Previous engineers did not prioritize forward compatibility when adding features to Studio, making the current engineers’ job more difficult. The new UI (which is Luau-based) is not just a front-end redesign but also includes significant back-end updates, with much of the old Qt 5 framework being replaced.

This has been stated by multiple Roblox staff members in not only this thread but the other 2 focusing this new UI. Personally, I prefer a modern, clean and intuitive interface rather than a Windows 7 looking one with a mix of old and new code, what is a pain to work with for engineers.


I actually agree, even now I like this current UI as oppose to the new one.

But I can understand why people like it, honestly it should have some sort of setting for you to choose between the legacy and the new studio UI. Sort of like chatversions on textchatservice.

I do like the back-end optimizations though.

You really look like you’re just getting mad for the sake of it. You’re acting like this UI is abyssmal and unfunctional, but that isn’t true. Sure, some other stuff are missing that makes it more annoying, but this is still just a stage of it.

Like another wise forum member posted, you can leave feedback without being rude.


Also you’re not taking the fact that UI styles change. Apple does it to IOS all the time and almost nobody cares about it. I know you’re not much of a modern-hater, but it still doesn’t change the fact Studio needs a visual rehual.

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Not sure that’s entirely within our control, but what HW are you running so we can compare? Also, can you specify your monitor setup if there is one? Feel free to DM me too.

Game Settings are under the File menu.

Thanks for taking the time to write up your opinions (including screenshots!) and ideas. This is very much a rough first day release and a lot of what we’re working on is aligned with some of your views — a decent number of them are actually called out in the OP “Known Issues”

There’s lots of updates and refinements coming!

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The issue is the lack of choice. If there was an option to use the current studio UI even if it was disabled by default I would not be complaining, infact I’d delete all my comments. I’ve been used to this UI for years at this point and it works well for what I want to do in studio.

I have been using the new UI for a few days now, and in my experience not many features have been moved around. It does not take long to learn the new menus as most features remain in their familiar locations.

If you have any issues with the new UI, such as a poor UX for finding certain options, please make suggestions, such as adding a Quick Open search bar to the new menu, to the Product Manager here and your feedback will be addressed.


Can’t really test it due to the crash issue, again the only issue here is the fact there’s no way in future at least to my knowledge to change studio back, if developer’s believe that the old UI is better for their developing then they should be allowed to use the old UI

It’s not possible, because it’s not worth the huge amount of extra work to support both the old and the new UI. Imagine if you had to support all the features of your game for both a super outdated and a new framework. This will 100% never happen.

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yeah and imagine you’re a 26 billion dollar company, suddenly that upkeep is nothing

I do not think so. It will slow down development of new Studio features.


Was the Beta automatically turned on for you? As in: did you go into Beta Features and turn it on or was it just on when you launched Studio?

Our intent was this didn’t get automatically switched on for anyone. Because it’s absolutely not ready to be any active creator’s default interface. But we think there may have been a chance some folks were auto enrolled.

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  • A simplified default UI that is more intuitive for new creators

New Creators anyway need time to learn UI of studio…

  • A simplified default UI that is more intuitive for new creators

Cool!, but why not on QT

  • Implementation of a structured design system with a consistent look and feel

Um aren’t it now seems a structured?

  • A technical architecture that reduces the chances of hangs and improves plugin workflows

Really? I’m sure that in release it be constant bugs. Maybe instead of making new UI just fix bugs?

I’m understanding what Next Gen Studio UI Dev Team are making next gen UI, not fixing bugs in current UI, and Next Gen UI anyway will added, but me and some another developers don’t want learn new UI, don’t want get bugs while developing.

I hope when it will be released it don’t create any problems, bugs e.t.c. to me and another devs.

That isn’t quite what i meant, i meant in future once this update has fully rolled out and is out of the beta stages there should be an option to use the current UI for developers who rather the current UI.

how to invite people to team create with new ui?

Game Settings? removethecharacterlimit

I didn’t quite read that yet, I know that Game Settings is at File.
Please allow us to have some freedom with our UI, not everything works with everyone.
It’s kind of weird getting used to View being in the topbar. It sort of makes sense, but it feels like a few extra clicks to get to something so essential.
Thanks for taking the time to reply to my post.

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