Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

I am mostly fine with the changes, other than the fact that some options require more than one click to find or use as well as me not able to find majority of them. For example, the undo/redo button requires 2 clicks instead of just one (obviously excluding the shortcut, which I barely use).

Maybe they will add the setting too change the accent color of the studio ui too purple

I really like where this is going from a design standpoint, but I absolutely hate the menubar at the top

It is just a massive waste of space, and because of it there is a giant area of whitespace above everything. I just really dislike how its integrated.

I think this might be a better approach (forgive the jank, I made this in pdn really quickly)

If you absolutely cant live without the playtest/debug controls you could have them floating with the command bar. This treatment just fits together more naturally than having a random navbar slapped ontop.

File+Help go in the file icon, Playtest options go in the play icon, import+plugin options go in the import icon and view+window go in the view icon

significantly cleaner without sacrificing clarity, solves my main gripe with studio and other ides being tons of UI and content encroaching on the main editor window, whether it be code or a viewport.

This is also the perfect opportunity to extend the playtest controls into an api accessible by plugins which would allow for really nice automations and stuff.


Is the “Collaborate” tab transferred to this new UI? I can’t find the UI where I was able to make it so certain roles in my group are able to Edit/Play…

I agree with you on that. One time I was struck with that experience, but can you not just remove the entire View tab? Maybe leave in some of the most used windows and tools in there. I know you can add your custom toolbars and stuff, but some of my developing friends strongly disagree with the removal of the View tab.

Like I said, this didn’t happen before I enabled the new UI. My plugins I had toggled before I playtested loaded back in after the playtest without any issue. I won’t look further since they aren’t related, I guess.

Can you still keep it visible?!? Seems very pointless to just leave the Record Video button without a screenshot button…

Look, I get there’s gonna be custom toolbars and such, but to me these removals of such core tabs like View and Test are just so questionable. You already have enough space to move those tabs in. If you seriously have to simplify this so much, like I said earlier include the most used tools in said tabs. It just feels like these were cut on purpose to keep promoting custom toolbars (which the feature isn’t bad, but that’s not the entire point of this UI).

I get you’re having fun, but this really isn’t starting to for me.
We miss the View tab. Bring it back.

Sorry for joking around. We hear your feedback. Please remember this is just “Day 1” and it will only keep getting better from here.

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Absolutely not, this is terrible. This would be enough for me to leave the platform. Atleast make it so you can choose what UI you would like for your studio.

Everything has to update eventually, it’s not the end of the world.

Nah, if you aren’t able to choose which studio UI you’d like to use, I’ll be leaving the platform, the platform I’ve been developing on since 2014.

It’s equivalent to learning Blender, or Photoshop, and then they change the entire layout of it, and having to re-learn where everything is.

Modernization is good, the ui is good, its just that companies that do modernization only do a part of the ui, and leave the rest looking old, its whats happen rn. Either do a full ui revamp or dont do it

We get it, you don’t like change, but you have to understand that this is not just a “reskin”. The entire Studio is getting it’s framework rewritten, outdated and buggy elements are finally getting removed, this new framework will give engineers an easier way to improve Studio and add more features later on than the current pile of Qt 5 mess that the current Studio can be described as.

If you really leave the platform just because Roblox is modernizing and improving their systems, then I’m sorry to break it to you but most other softwares have similiar modern and clean interface design that Studio will also adapt to in 2025.

Just give it time, it will be a lot better than the current one.


After roblox finishes making all their ui into lua, they should make the ui code open source so people can modify it and add custom skins or features


I have no idea what you mean, the layout is basically the same with some few things missing.

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Thank You - this really solves the problem.
At first it took longer than usual for the experience test to start, but after a couple of tests, it seemed to be normal again.

For the Gen Studio UI, I will have to go the long haul & disable all plugins (±30), then switch them on 1 by 1, and see which will work with the trial Studio UI.
In no hurry for it… but guess if others want to use it… they’ll have to do that.

We have the fix ready for the next Studio release. Should only be a few more days!

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