Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

No there will not be an option. Updates do not work like that, as once this update is finished, the backend will also be mostly complete, which will remove the need of keeping the old UI in place. Roblox Engineers do not have to update both and the new UI just for a small percent wants the old one not gone.

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Could definitely be possible, maybe they could merge some of the new features of the new UI (customizable topbar buttons, etc.) onto the old one.
I agree with sustainability, sure, it would be kind of hard to implement, but dynamic UI exists, and there are methods to doing this. No matter what, some people won’t take change, and I think it’s a good option to have the old UI.
UI isn’t everything. The functionality is still there, and if you think of it, not much work has to be done because it majorly functions the same.

Unless you have spaghetti code, Roblox. (Speak up… Hope it’s not as bad as the Yandere Simulator leak.) Just kidding, maybe.

Some programs also do this, and there’s no problem.
I understand completely if they won’t end up doing this. It’s just my opinion.

brother this worsens the studio experience… why are you defending a terrible update from a 26 billion dollar company?


No it doesn’t, and you still have time to learn the new UI before it’s full release in 2025. Yknow you can give feedback without having to be so rude to the engineers that worked hard on this


yeah, the current state of the UI is pretty unusable since it lacks some features but you gotta give it some time. it’s not even been a week since the beta rolled out for everyone


Instead of calling a not even released update “terrible”, how about you give proper feedback? Screaming at Roblox on top of your lungs like this without any constructive criticism is not going to do anything. And I don’t agree, this doesn’t worsen the studio experience, with upcoming optimizations and updates, you will be able to customize it to completely turn it to your own.


You have to think about this from an engineers perspective: You have an update that you need to deliver to Studio about a feature that developers can use. And it needs an UI. Normally, it wouldn’t take too long, as you have a singular interface and framework to work with. But if we go down with your route, now, there are two interfaces and possibly even more frameworks that you have to work with. This delays the update and especially the bug reporting and fixing stage from being complete.

This is not feasable for a company like Roblox, where there are tons of developers and users working with their software, this isn’t going to happen.

It’s not finished yet. They even clarify that it’s not finished! And, better yet, it’s opt-in!


Running a 16" 2023 MacBook Pro M2 Pro, using purely the laptop screen. Any other fullscreen app shows the toolbar instantly.

Adding on here that I have a feature request related to this window and the difficulty involved in finding things within. A search bar to search all plugins, as well as an enabled/disabled split in the list would be very handy. Plugin Management window should sort plugins into enabled and disabled sub-lists

Also this would be handy to factor in as well: Make it easier to temporarily disable all plugins for troubleshooting


All great ideas! Technically not in the scope of this particular release but it’s still relevant to our team so I’ve got all of this noted.


Your username does not lie about you at all…

But seriously, you have been told many times this isn’t a finished UI. It does not worsen the Studio experience. If you don’t want to test it why even leave such comments about it at all?

Leave proper feedback or don’t engage in this topic at all, this is the last time I’m telling you.


when you send specs to help solve an issue you should also send your driver version

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When the display that had Studio turned off (after inactivity) and back on, it had visual artifacts and the windows were showing multiple times and it completely broke the layout but it was fixed after restarting Studio. I do have a stable overclock that I run and I’ve ran it for months without issues.

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Most of this tab is available somewhere in the preview UI, but I can’t seem to find any of the features from the “Clients and Servers” section which I use a lot.

Is it just hidden somewhere I’ve not found yet? I want to daily the preview to provide better feedback but unfortunately these features missing is a dealbreaker.

  • Local play test with multiple clients UI is not yet available

We are working on it and it will come in future Beta updates.


Please add a button to hide all studio UI so it will look like a normal Roblox window. Make it like F2 or something :cool:


Bug. I enabled this beta function, and now roblox studio crashes when you try to log into the game. Nice)

and when will you add root motion for animation? As in ue5, for example

There’s many posts above saying the same, and many saying its the plugins.
Roblox will be releasing a stable version very soon (days/week) - just disable it again - so long.


What do you mean by

Looks fine to me.