Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

I’m not installing that UI, Legacy/Current one seems easy and user-friendly for me.


It would be nice to add a darker theme, just like the concept at RDC. I get that this is a beta feature, but I hope they add features to let us customize the studio a bit more.


this is why the beta feature exists as a toggleable lmao

this means that an entirely different build of Roblox Studio needs to be attached to the main, so double file size


It will be in beta until the spring of 2025, this is your time to get used to it, there is no point in updating both UIs for two more months after the release.


Awesome update - can’t wait to see the fully finished product.

I have a few questions:

Will minimized ribbons be possible?

Old Studio

Comparison photo with new update

As a coder working in an IDE, I don’t use any of the ribbon buttons on a frequent basis, so I usually keep the top ribbon minimized to focus better on the game when running tests.

Is there a timeline for ‘Test’ tab integration?
I’m all for using Beta products to give feedback and get used to things, but the ‘Test’ tab has really important functionality for simulating multiple player instances. I’m sure this is on the to-do list, but was wondering if there’s a somewhat ballpark timeline (e.g., “there are other more important priorities”, “it’s near completion, pending testing before shipping publicly”, etc.)

Awesome update, can’t wait to see how this looks as it evolves.


really enjoy how the plugins cut off now, please add a stroke around the border so it doesn’t just blend in :pray:



Yea, I love this UI design much better! The current Beta version one doesn’t look much different from the legacy version. Would much rather prefer the darker version that was showcased at RDC!

Other than that, cool concept with the custom tabs. Looking forward to the final version of this UI. :+1:


On macOS it has a drop shadow. It should use one on Windows, too.


Babe, wake up, new Roblox Studio UI just dropped.


oh my god

it’s actually reaally so

i’m too used to the old one, it will be a very long time until i figure this one out


Besides the topbar, Will the whole studio UI also be refreshed?

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Will the new UI have more customization options?
like, custom background color? (i dont mean the script editor background.)

I’d love to be able to continue using the old studio UI when this inevitably gets forced upon us, in its current state, this looks horrible for me, so much spacing, too much of a windows 11 / tablet-friendly look to it.

Please, when this becomes full release, make it optional. Maybe have support for “skins”, where old studio UI can be called ‘Legacy’, and the new one ‘Modern’, and then some extra other studio skins could be possible or something.


Did somebody say Simple, flexible and intuitive UI :scream:

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Changing the UI to the version that was showcased would have several benefits, including improved usability, streamlined workflows, and increased overall satisfaction. :blush::+1:


I am not getting that on Windows 10

see im not going to lie it looks nice in my opinion, i would like it more if some stuff didnt get moved to different places such as the following:

  • Testing Tab
  • Import 3d tab
  • collaboration

other then those few little things the ui is really nice

I think this is FANTASTIC, I LOVE the new design, I really want this to come out of beta and everything to work perfectly, applause to the team that worked on this, 10/10

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Watch the RDC announcement video;

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I crash when Studio Command Panel by NumojiGroupAccount is enabled.

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