Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

Understandably, studio needed a small overhaul, however, I’m not a big fan of overhaulings and icon changes and stuff, because of how much they mess up with my muscle memory of doing a certain task, and the fact that my eyes got used to certain things being a certain color (parts being gray not purple for example).

I don’t have much to say about this, since it’s a very justifiable change that many might hate just because of muscle memory, but one thing i would really like to see, is being able to change whenever we want this tab to be in the middle or no:

I really think it should be a personalization option if we want to have the tabs on the left, right, or the middle, because having it in the middle might become very inconvenient for me and many other people that take a while to adapt to newer changes.

I’m proud of the team coming up with a new design, and I hope it won’t take much to get used to, however the tabs on top really need some changes… some personalization of where we want to put them, to be exact!



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well every single other game and company disregards that, unless the userbase who hates it isn’t a minority its here to stay

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it looks sorta cool but i’m not happy that a bunch of ui elements got moved around and it just looks really weird to me:

  • the test tab got removed
  • the play and stop test buttons got removed on the home tab
  • the name got shifted down? why?
  • the topbar is now larger (see attached)
  • the collaborate button is gone
  • the button to close the topbar is gone? (i don’t have the new ui yet)


But theres many windows 7 ““mods”” in windows 10 and 11, one of my friends use it and i was thinking of using it too

maybe we should have a way to mod our studio ui… :thinking:


thats why its in beta, some stuff are not finsihed yet

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lets goooo!!!
im going to test out building with this new UI and give my feedback

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customization is coming, so I wouldn’t be too surprised of how much we can change in studio


Because old UI is visually easier for a lot of people

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my point still stands, lets not sacrifice performance and file size just because people are forcing themselves to not get used to something


well, i cant even open studio without it crashing lmao

it loads in for a split second and then closes, yeah i think this needs some more time

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the thing is your opinion does not align with the majority of people (source Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta] - #46 by SilentFish20 before it got reset for some reason). i’ve seen a lot of mostly unjustified hate to this ui because people “don’t like it”. you all need to stop holding on to the past and get with the times the old default qt theme was outdated and needed a change


exactly, and I do agree there are lots flaws atm but those will be sorted out in the future


Well they are moving away from Qt and C so modding it could be a possibility

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Last time I’ve tried it via FFlag, it ended up breaking studio several times, lets see what this release has to offer this time.
Not a fan of Quick Access being removed in favor of custom tabs though. I’ve had some plugin actions stored here which helped me navigate through them fast and easy. Custom tabs will be interesting story though.
There are also several missing things here and there like being able to take screenshots or video recordings, or turn off that silly cube with X Y and Z coords (which I expect to be polished out in the future since this is literally preview)

Goodluck with the rest of the UI and further polishing!

I’ve seen individuals getting heated over it being made in React ._. oh well, an opinion is opinion.

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dude this ui crashes roblox studio i cant even enter any game without IT CRASHING???



i’m not sure how much you can “sacrifice” performance and file size just to be able to run roblox studio, if a few megabytes really make a difference on your device, you need to do some changes yourself and get a better device to use roblox studio on. Having both the old and new ui should be an option for atleast a month or 2 until people can get used to the new ui.


I’m glad this finally went public, was awesome picking your brains during RDC 23, and for those who weren’t there there’s still a bunch of functionality not yet implemented, for those of you who don’t like the changes yet, wait for this to be more or so complete and then give your judgement then, not sure if i should elaborate further since they didn’t but there really is A LOT of customization features in the oven, and I’m just waiting for them to be out.
Don’t be discouraged by this early preview, the full version is so much more than this currently is, and I’m on the wait for it!


plugins are hard to find

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