Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

I hope, you will update this.

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I wonder what’s on this tab?


oh hey thats whats on it. It’s cool seeing community plugins next to studio tools!

EDIT: Also yes you can put them in dropdowns too (and make studio tools have the lil triangle thingy too)



Maybe we should make “Friday leaks” a thing?


We are so Damn near to getting custom tabs! :happy4:

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Yeeeesssssss. I’m hoping to get this in as soon as I can. It’s going to be very alpha - but should allow determined users to build their own tabs using both community plugins and studio tools. Anything we do on a built-in tab (and any button that’s in the system menu, iirc), you could do/use on a custom one. The tab definitions are (in this version) going to just be JSON files that can be shared.

It will get more refined and user-friendly, but this hopefully gives a little taste soon:tm: :slight_smile:


Can’t wait to make a custom tab of the only buttons i actually use (move, resize, rotate, snap to grid, output, explorer and like three other things i can’t recall atm)

si por favor


it could be good if they moved these buttons to the tab buttons, which would remove some unnecessary space

This is mostly an awkward side effect of mixing new and old. We also agree this blank space is disturbing :slight_smile: It will get better.


Oh my god lets GOOOOOO bro

this update is becoming more sigma day by day

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I actually love you guys’ energy so much, it makes me (and I’m sure many other devs) so excited for what’s to come. It’s so nice to have a break from the professionalism and general lack of communication from engineers here on the forums. Please keep it up guys, I’ve never seen engineers so ecstatic about their work :sweat_smile: :pray:


Unfortunately this new studio UI misses a lot of old features the previous one had, such as device testing [mobile/console,etc.] and I couldn’t find collision group table either.

This is still a beta; the engineers have already stated that the missing features are currently being worked on and will return


Click on the title bar → View → Device, but you will be able to add it back as an actual button in the top bar once custom tabs are released
For the collision group editor → title bar → Window → 3D → Collision Groups


Something i would recommend changing is the color of these icons, it could be confusing for some people if it uses the same color.

Mmm kind of inconvenient to use, like can’t find view asset manager to open it up, nor easily click the import 3d button, use these two features majority of the time.

rare moment of a roblox staff member complaining about the engine.

he was let go from the company and locked away 10 days after


Idk what happened or it does something with this ui but my shortcuts (the ones I mostly use ctrl+d undo redo copy paste ) have randomly other shortcuts

I really like this design but theres features missing