Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

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You can find Import under the File menu (like most apps!) and Asset Manager under the Window menu.

These menus are always available regardless of what tab you have selected so one could argue they’ve never been more accessible. But I understand how it’s not perceived that way because you are used to them being in specific places.

When custom tabs are available, you’ll be able to bring them back into your own toolbar. However, if you access these as frequently as you say, I highly recommend binding a keyboard shortcut to them which is possible in the current system and that is going to be your most efficient access regardless of the UI changes.

I’m glad you like it!

Some of the features may appear missing for the following reasons:

  • They have moved to a different place (example: most of the old View tab went into menus,)
  • We are still working on an improved design (example: multiplayer play testing)
  • If it’s a fairly new feature, it just hasn’t been added to the new UI yet
  • They are very advanced or obscure features that you will need to add back with custom tabs

I think you’ll find if it’s a fairly popular feature, someone has likely already asked about it here.

We have loads of work to do are working every week to update the Beta. I will likely make a new post in a couple weeks covering what’s changed since the first launch.


That’s very strange. We aren’t doing anything in particular with shortcuts, currently.

So you had a custom shortcut bound to Ctrl + D and it was unbound when you flipped on the Preview Beta? Did it stick if you flip the Beta off?

Is there any plans to improve text rendering? As I tried this on windows and while im aware font rendering on windows isn’t that great, text in the new ui just looks blurry?

Also annoying how creating a local script doesnt create a script with its run-context set to client, I get why this is but it’d be nice to have a studio setting to change this


Gonna add some input here and say it should probably be handled at the engine level, as its unclear with UserInputService or ContextActionService how multikey inputs (ie Shift + C) should be handled.

Plus theres no way for games to easily make rebindable inputs, and I tried doing this recently and ended up just determining its not worth the effort I as a developer would have to put in. When it’d be much better handled with some sort of improvements to ContextActionService or UserInputService.

Adding on to this, considering roblox has had a focus on improving accessibility on platform recently rebindable inputs would greatly improve accessibility across the platform.

(note: im aware this reply has turned into a sudo feature request, but my feature request app and bug reports app havent gotten a reply for like 7 months)


If this happened to have dropped into the community feedback program, that would be grand and a great place for really early feedback :wink:


Can you share a screenshot? There’s potential issues here:

  • The known, long standing issue where fonts get corrupted by the installer

  • We are tracking down some issues with scaled displays (as in not 100% scale), especially multiple displays with different scales, causing issues

  • Maybe you’ve found something new we aren’t aware of

Makes total sense to me. I will ask about this. Thanks!

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Thank you, will definitely setup keybinds…

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I did turn it off but still the same keybonds

but here it’s set to a key I can’t find on my keyboard

I think it is very important, especially on monitors with lower resolutions that SIZING is improved. In my opinion, the UI is unusable currently because of its bulk. Closing out of a tab, which you could previously do with that little arrow is now much more difficult and non-intuitive, requiring you to double click on a tab, and even then it still leaves a bulky selection menu behind.

Everything else, however, I do not take issue with. The style is very good in my opinion and I would love to leave the old studio ui behind!

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I think i found a bug, whenever you try opening an .RBXL file with the Next Gen Studio UI enabled, it sometimes doesn’t show the tools an everything, just the notifs an account name


It happend to me too.

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I have ran into this same issue multiple times, I am not sure what exactly causes it but I have to close Roblox Studio then reopen it in .RBXL file. Really strange bug to say the least

Can you re-bind to your preferred key combination and let me know if it happens again? It looks like it’s bound to Ctrl + Insert key which is usually on full size keyboard above the arrow keys.

@HijackedSystem @karlos_800 thanks for sharing, I’ll let the team know.

Did it just start happening with this week’s release (v641.0) or was it happening before?

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I don’t know if this is already stated here, on the new UI the debug error section is missing in the script tab. I use this quite a bit but I don’t think the majority do so I guess it’s not high priority to be added yet?

However, I do think an icon with a drop down for debug errors will work perfectly for it.

Current UI:

New UI:


@HijackedSystem @karlos_800 Also - does it happen repeatedly or randomly? Has it happens more frequently over time? Is it with any RBXL or a specific RBXL? If you have one that happens repeatedly on (and are willing to share it in DM to myself or Paul) it would be super helpful as we’ve yet to reproduce this on our side, which makes it that much more difficult to track down. (And being RBXL specific would explain why its difficult on our end)

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