Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

Asset Manager will be it’s own Beta and will likely ship sooner. But you are correct it is running on the new UI tech.


Did the Username button change to the Profile Picture instead?

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new window controls when??

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Yes that actually shipped earlier this year:

:sweat_smile: There’s some technical challenges that keep that from being as fast and easy of a change as you’d think. But it is somewhere on our very long list of TODOs!

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Just wanted to say, I know I can disable this (for now), but IT JUST MAKES NAVIGATION HARDER, BECAUSE WE AREN’T USED TO IT!


What, and you were magically used to the original layout when you first downloaded studio?


why are the souls of the damned trying to talk to me
okay, in all seriousness, what is this?


A new language maybe “robloxiaans”


When get this fixed it blocks my navbar

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FYI the change they’re talking about is actually new and separate to the collaborator update - I’m guessing you got confused here :sweat_smile:

For your own profile on the far right, Studio now displays it as your avatar headshot instead of your username. I think there’s also been some changes to the icons around here. Looks good!

Also a bug I just came across; the little popup text can be cut off by the edge of your screen when hovering over it here.


The collapsing mechanics are broken. When you click a tab while the ribbon(?) is collapsed, it’s supposed to open a little temporary popover window. It’s not supposed to expand the ribbon and expect me to double-click it to collapse it again. You also cannot single-click the currently selected tab to open it.

Starting from a collapsed ribbon with the tab I want selected, I have to:

  1. click some tab I don’t want
  2. click back on the tab I want
  3. do the action
  4. double click to collapse the ribbon myself

It should be like this:

  1. click the tab
  2. do the action and the popover closes itself

The long-press dropdown mechanics are also broken. Releasing the mouse button should activate the thing the cursor is hovering over.

Yeah we are aware of this issue with tooltips and it should be resolved soon.

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Yes thanks for your feedback. I mentioned this briefly before but this was just a quick change we made and not the final interaction. We have some work to do with how we handle mouse hovers to get the interactions we would like to do.


will this be optional when its fully out?

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Oh the new Home menu is back.


When can we get the ability to play test simulated servers on studio again?

I don’t see mine like that… still the old home screens.