Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

I’m having a hard time trying to find the option to change the constraint size. Does it exist yet?

Current UI:


Next Gen UI:


Will there be any tweening/smooth animations for the new studio UI? If so, I’d be glad to see that coming!

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Oh yeah I’d love to have to wait for animations to complete instead of just instantly having the list of functions open.

Alot of things they wanted to add to improve it simply wouldn’t work with the old UI. It is due for change by this point anyway.

well it would be toggleable im just a dude who likes animations :roll_eyes:


I presume the bulk of animations would be fade in animations and skeleton loaders, both of which don’t affect time to perform an action. Skeleton loaders are just placeholders until things get downloaded, and fade in animations typically last 100-250ms which isn’t enough to affect productivity.


I don’t know why… but after reactivating the new Studio UI (seeking any updates) … I got no system icons in the top bar.

I did another restart… and it went back to the intended new Studio UI.
For now it is not an ongoing issue… just thought I would report it. :wink:

I opened the BETA section again to show it was activated.

They know already about this bug. I am not sure if they got a fix for it yet.

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new quirk i discovered: when right clicking if you have this enabled, there will no longer be icons and as a result, it will display as a just plain menu.

please hope that this gets revamped too & bring back proper icons to it

Why not add a button in settings to have the old button placement turned back on after this releases? Still have the new code stuff but in the old placements.

Nice catch! I’ll mention this to the team that Constraint Scale isn’t there. That View menu option just toggles the visualization on/off in the Viewport like the old buttons do.

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Yeah it’s actually related to the new Place Open stuff and a fix is staged up for this week’s release, as far as I know.

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Are you referring to this or something else?

We would rather work on the functionality to let you build your own toolbars. Then you can recreate any of the old tabs you’d like and maybe even improve them to suit you.

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sorry, i mean right clicking on the 3D Viewport where you can do cut, copy, duplicate on a part, etc.

this is the quirk that i was mentioning

New UI looks good. Though it took me awhile to find the Publish to Roblox button on MacOS.

Maybe add some tool-tips or a tutorial walkthrough of where everything has been relocated?

Yep — we plan to update all of our docs and onboarding stuff once the overall design gets closer to final!


No problem and thank you for the screenshot! I will ask if it’s a known issue and if not, we will ticket that.

Is there a timeline for when the new Asset Manager window will be included in the beta? It looks really well made in the screenshot provided on the RDC thread.

Unless I’m wrong in thinking that’s a Studio UI.