Looking over the original mockups I’m honestly most excited for when we get to ditch the ribbon in favour for on-screen controls.
Regarding Explorer
Also re explorer, I definitely would love to see a favourites section for favourited instances. Navigating between game.workspace.folder.model.instance and game.lighting.folder.instance in huge place files is a huge pain point and being able to flick between commonly used favourites would be great!
Device emulator is currently in the View Menu called “Device” but that’s probably moving to a more intuitive place in the near future.
Play testing controls are extremely limited to play solo. Actual playtest controls that support all of the different testing modes is coming along and should be out in Janaury.
I have no idea what script message you’re seeing. Can you share the actual text of the message (or screenshot?)
Hey Dash, really appreciate the feedback! A few follow-ups:
For #1: Could you show us the errors you’re getting? And if possible how to repro them? I’d love to figure out exactly what’s going on here
For #4: Is Del/Backspace not deleting an instance for you ALL the time? We currently have a bug where those keys don’t work when script editor is open – still an issue, and one we are plan to solve soon. But I’m trying to figure out if Del/Backspace aren’t working for you at all.
For #5: This should be fixed in a week or so, but I will let you know if it gets delayed
For #6: Thanks for sharing, we see this issue too and have a plan for fixing it, as well as other context menu actions from the old Explorer that aren’t showing up.
Regarding #2 and #3, we’ll definitely take this feedback as we play around with different UI choices!
Thanks for this feedback! Re thinner UI, this is great feedback for us before we move to GA. If you’re noticing specific performance slowdowns – please do send a video. We’d love to dig in and figure out what’s going wrong.
No, it’s not errors, it’s just warnings in the script analysis. I think that was part of the new luau type solver, not the next gen ui. Sorry for the confusion. Thank you!
#4 - I think that was the problem, as it works now.
#1 - i ran this test line in the command bar to repro this error: local p = Instance.new("Part") p.Parent = workspace p:Destroy()
Here’s the error:
ExplorerPlugin.ExplorerPlugin.Packages._Index.Explorer.Explorer.Networking.createSession.RootStateUpdating:16: NYI: Parented to nil
Stack Begin
Script 'ExplorerPlugin.ExplorerPlugin.Packages._Index.Explorer.Explorer.Networking.createSession.RootStateUpdating', Line 16 - function instanceAdded
Script 'ExplorerPlugin.ExplorerPlugin.Packages._Index.Explorer.Explorer.Networking.createSession.createSessionDataModelUpdating', Line 20 - function instanceAdded
Script 'ExplorerPlugin.ExplorerPlugin.Packages._Index.Explorer.Explorer.Networking.NetworkedRPCInterfaces', Line 127
Script 'ExplorerPlugin.ExplorerPlugin.Packages._Index.GoodSignal.GoodSignal', Line 38 - function acquireRunnerThreadAndCallEventHandler
Script 'ExplorerPlugin.ExplorerPlugin.Packages._Index.GoodSignal.GoodSignal', Line 53 - function runEventHandlerInFreeThread
Stack End
This also happens when renaming a instance too.
Bug Report List
(so i don’t flood the replies.)
Double-Clicking the name of a instance in the explorer does not let me edit it.
Moving a instance into another one that’s hierarchy is closed in the explorer will not show the the moved instance.
The next-gen topbar sometimes dissapears at when opening studio, this may be due to the next-gen explorer :<
For some reason, the next-gen topbar (i think) throws a error about tooltips:
This plugin cannot create more than one PluginGui with id: "Tooltip" Stack Begin Script
'Ribbon.Ribbon.Src.Hooks.useTooltip', Line 169 - function loadTooltipPanel Script
'Ribbon.Ribbon.Src.Hooks.useTooltip', Line 186 - function showTooltip Script
'Ribbon.Ribbon.Src.Hooks.useTooltip', Line 290 Script
'sabuiltin_Notifications.rbxm.Notifications.Packages._Index.ReactRoblox.ReactRoblox.client.roblox.SingleEventManager', Line 112
Stack End
Something to take note of, after re-installing studio, the errors don’t seem to be occuring, not sure why it isn’t though.
Our devs are going to work on improving these warnings and error handling but they said you’re probably referencing an out of date flag. Removing the ColorPickerSplitButton reference should get you further along.
If you want the color picker, you could copy what’s in the current Home tab:
#1: A quick double click should just open the hierachy – waiting for half a second in between clicks should allow you to rename it. That is how the old explorer worked as well, are you encountering something different? #2: If you navigate to the new explorer’s 3 dot menu and check “Expand hierarchy when selecting”, it will show the new moved instance after you move it. We will be updating the name of this to make it more clear.
Hi. Can you make a setting to remove the window closing crosses, because sometimes you can accidentally click on it. Or better yet remove the cross for a specific selected window, I have scripts that are constantly open and when I switch to them I accidentally close them.
For #1, it must be because the old explorer was slower that the rename was able to occur.
For #2, i mean that even after expanding the hierarchy of the instanced, the moved instance isn’t shown at all, making me have to undo the move so i can see it again.