Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

That space fills up quite quick with the real play testing controls (work in progress pictured here, coming soon) + numerous tabs.

I understand your frustration and we are working towards a plan where toolbars aren’t solely located in the ribbon interface. There will be opportunities to have toolbars outside of the ribbon tabs. Floating and docked. Probably even more conveniently located than the old Quick Access spot. But first we need to get the core UI production ready.


Not sure if this has been said and its not in the known issues. Tooltips sometimes stays forever when hovered quickly:


Hello, as someone who has completely disabled animations on everything and appreciated the Reduced Motion feature, I was wondering if/when the ability to turn off the animation for scrolling would be arriving. It’d be nice if the explorer respected the Windows setting for animating elements.

Would be great if all ScrollingFrames supported it too, but a man can dream.

I cannot use the new Explorer beta until this is changed :frowning:


This is the next gen studio ui forum, not the next gen explorer forum. sorry

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We’re going to be killing the smooth scrolling entirely in Explorer at some point since none of us like it, so stay tuned for that.


I really like it. Would it be an option? Or is it just a feature that should just be deleted? I don’t need it but it’s a nice little touch.


I think the Collaborate button should contrast less against the background as it’s distracting when working on a solo project and I think a lot of people(mainly beginners) would relate. Instead the text color could be white with a white border around the studio background color.


It has already been asked, but I have to explain again, why we need to keep all the existing features.

Devs are used to the studio for years if not decades, and we’ve already been through a cut of QoL features in the past.
These cuts forced us to sort of learn the software again, which kills our productivity, and forces us to recreate via plugin the lost features… I think that cuts should not happen, features are usefull en devs are using them.

The quick access toolbar must be kept. This is a great addition that saves viewport space, clics to access almost every studio features.

The new buttons are huge… why are they that big in the first place ?
You don’t have to whrite its description below it, just hover your mouse… When getting use to buttons no one ever reads those titles anyway.

The empty space around the tabs is an insanely huge, you could save a lot of space to add more functions, or give the viewport/script editor more precious space.

Everall the top section of the UI is very bulky for no reasons, and you killed some verry fast features like the quick acess toolbar.

Thanks, I hope that your designers will consider it. Because the “next gen UI” name makes no sense if you kill features and waste space.


This issue keeps popping up

And when i try type to search for something
You can hardly see it.

This menu is Viewport visualization modes and not a part of the Next Gen UI Preview. The team working on that is aware of the issue.


We understand there’s a lot of muscle memory but unfortunately it’s based on a poorly organized UI that is very limited in capability and extremely confusing to folks that haven’t been using it for 10 years. To balance this, we are trying to offer deeper customization than we’ve ever allowed before (and it’s a ton of extra work to do this). This gives you the ability to recreate whatever bad pattern you love the most :slight_smile:

We are not getting rid of any tools or functionality that’s available in the current UI. There’s maybe a couple of exceptions here where it’s something that should have been retired a long time ago.

In the very near future, you will be able to build your own “Quick Access” tabs in the new ribbon. In fact, you’ll be able to have multiple and you will be able to do a lot more with them than the old Quick Access UI. In the longer term, you will be able to move these toolbars to other locations outside the ribbon area.

The new button icons themselves are actually smaller but the padding and layout are “first pass” — the community has been overwhelmingly clear that we need to tighten this up and we will be doing so once we get the core systems and functionality stabilized. Our design team is highly focused on what to specify here. Not only general improvements but offering options like different density modes (still being discussed)


Well, there are missing features that the old UI has, and the new one doesn’t have, for example, collision groups, which don’t exist in the new UI, the same as insert service, and much more that don’t exist in the next-gen UI.

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This is why it’s explicitly an opt-in “Preview” of the UI. We are actively working on the ability to add these things back in via custom tabs. In the meantime, anything you want to do should be available via Quick Open as workaround.


Awesome then,
I will follow the news closely and hope for the best !


We do appreciate your feedback and patience!

Just to reiterate:

  • Our next milestone is to enable auto-enroll for the Beta feature which will automatically enable the UI for many more Beta Feature users. In order to support this, we must have full playtest controls, toolbar/tab customization UI, and some other improvements we’ve been working on. The priority is on functionality over styling. ETA: March 2025

  • Once we hit the auto-enroll target, we’ll be shifting towards full release prep. This will be styling updates, bug fixing, documentation updates, and any anything else we can squeeze in. This will pull the UI out of Beta. ETA: June 2025

These are ambitious goals given the amount of work to be done but we’re trying our best! :sweat_smile:


the new explorer + button which creates instances doesn’t render correctly for me which makes me unable to see the left side of the menu

this started happening to me a few hours ago

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Using the Insert Object pane in expanded mode with the Explorer beta is a known issue, we have a fix in progress.

Until then use it in collapsed mode (the button at the top right toggles that).


idk if its just me but the issue is still happening to me in collapsed mode

also sorry for posting in the wrong topic I realized that late

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Oh, yeah… left Explorer. Rare enough choice that I didn’t think to test that case :upside_down_face:

The good news is that the other WIP fix should also address left Explorer. Would it work to use the Ctrl+I shortcut for now? (you can configure it to a different key combo that’s easy to hit)


yeah, that is working fine thanks

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