Nexus Dynamics v2.0 | Sophisticated Admin Panel

It does have key binding M (Can change in settings)

However, we are going to add another setting to hide the topbar! :+1:


Thank you!

Also, this is just for modularity.

Add a version that is not loaded by a require(AssetID). I mean the actual module itself so the developer (Consumer) has to put everything in its own place.

That way we can take advantage of that and customize it.

Also it will be easier for you to get bug reports since can inspect components in studio mode.


We did this for early access but quickly reverted back to using loaders because the module creates extreme lag when starting/ending servers.

However, it’s open sourced so feel free to experiment and let me know!


best admin panel ever, its like cmdr and most modern admin panels combined but with 10x more features. highly recommend this. Few things I think should be changed about this:


Could you tell me why it creates extreme lag?

I’m really thinking of contributing and improving on whatever I can, such a good module and resource

(I’m saintimmor but an alt account, using my phone right now)


From what I could tell, the UI itself is constructed with 11k UI elements, everytime I move the ScreenGui it takes time. The entire panel is pre-designed unlike typical panels.

When we decide to add Themes, I do plan to reduce the number with script generating for things like UIStrokes, UICorners, etc.


That is not optimal at all.

Could i suggest loading in parts of UI elements as n needed?

For example:
When you press the button at the top, it opens a circular/radial menu. At this time only open the necessary UI elements and events for functionality, nothing else.

Once any of the buttons are interacted with, load said page but unload any others that are not being used.

It’s an extreme optimization for a UI, but with 11k elements it’s definitely looking like it’s necessary.


For things like UI corners and highlights, you can simply have a run service connection alongside something like trove.

When anything need a highlight, stroke or etc. just parent it to the currently interacted with UI elements.

Have prefixes for which ones, information getters and clean the trove for every task switch.

This would incredibly decrease the amount of small UI elements, even though it is a little difficult


That’s precisely what I had in-mind, I definitely do plan to go with this approach in the distant-future.

Thanks for the suggestions, I’ll humbly admit I didn’t think of adding them from the start and reconsider my choices now that it’s finished.:sweat_smile:


No it’s totally okay, I’m thinking about making a utility for things like this since it would be very useful for games with a lot of UI


I went in with the usual skepticism on admin systems, but the attention to a beautiful and useful interface is simply put: impressive

I question the value of this really fleshed-out terrain & environment tooling, given that there’s no import/export feature. All changes would be temporary and lost on server closure. Being able to save changes and load them later on would open up a lot of use cases for these great tools.

It’s a great first start however. I haven’t read the code yet but as you mentioned having 11 thousand UI elements, are you considering implementing a framework like Fusion?

It would make your life a lot easier, especially with reusing components and theming. Would recommend to check it out!


I’ve tried to find a good optimized solution to import/export terrain but haven’t found one myself yet. Currently it’s just temporary for fun and experimenting with your maps like concept art.

I’ve not heard of Fusion and will give it a look, thanks for suggesting this framework! :grinning:


Fusion is so great, its like the Jesus of UI

Seriously , it has everything you need, packaged into a cute little module.

Look into a project that USED Fusion like NeoHotBar.


I appreciate the recommendation, but NeoHotbar’s codebase is pretty messy and outdated. If you’re looking for a quality reference, I’d rather point you to this:


My bad man ;( didn’t know any other resources using fusion.

Also GREAT resource, thank you!


I’m very grateful for your suggestion, I gave Fusion a try and it’s wonderful!!! It’s a very handy framework when it comes to creating UI elements on the go.

With a little bit of a engineering, I’ve managed to create toggles that can now easily be created with just 6 lines of code :grinning:

Additionally, this now grants me the ability to add themes to 1 function and it’ll sync across all toggles.

Thank you so much for suggesting Fusion, optimization is on its way :heart:


After a few hours of testing this I have found a few things that could be added / changed:

  • The admin button should be able to be moved.
    Why not?

  • Announcement UI should be near the top of the screen instead of the middle.
    Look at all of the space between the admin button and the announcement UI.

  • The ban command should have a time / duration option.
    As far as I know there is no temp ban command which means you can’t even ban the player temporarily.

  • Make a toggleable option to noclip when using the fly command.
    There is no need for 2 commands which are almost identical. You could maybe make another button above for toggling noclip.

I’ll probably find more things that could be changed later but for now this is it. Also the unjail command doesn’t seem to appear.

Anyways this is probably one of in not the best admin panel (In my opinion). Hope to see more updates get released and see this grow more.

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We’ve had many request for this and it’s on the way!

I’ll move it closer to the topbar button, but in the near future I plan to overhaul the announcement design to slide from the right like a notification.

There is a server/time/perm ban; they’re just different commands.
;ban Username Reason → Server
;timeban Username Seconds Reason → Time
;ban Username Reason → Perm

For the commands themselves, I want to keep for quick-access of noclip/fly. However, I’ll add a noclip/fly toggle between the notifications. :+1:

95% of all undo commands aren’t listed, I forgot to add them, they’re going to release in the next patch :sweat_smile:

Thank you for letting me know and I’ll get to fixing them as soon as I find time :white_check_mark:


🔔 Update Log: v2.0.1


  • Added a setting to hide topbar button. (Reposition will come soon)
  • Fly notification received a collision button to switch between fly/noclip.


  • Unban is now its own separate command.
  • Announcement popup has been moved just below the topbar button.


  • Noclipping will now change the text “Fly Speed” to “Noclip Speed”
  • Commands page will now display undo commands.
  • Command bar will now recognize, suggest, and autofill undo commands.
  • Players will now be ranked in studio correctly.

We’re currently busy rewriting everything using Fusion for a much small file size so we can support package & version control! You can expect this update to release at version 2.0.5

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As well as fusion. Since you have so much util and network based features in your panel.

Look into a networking module as well as a cleaner module (maybe signal too).


  1. Protect your networking from hackers.
  2. Increase performance of frame or run service based connections.
  3. Increase performance of networking (remote events etc.)


  1. Netty
  2. Warp
  3. BridgeNet


  1. Sweeper


  1. Good signal

  2. Fast signal