About Us
Hi - we’re Nightmare Studios, a dev group that has been around for about 5 years and produced quite a few games. Check out a few of our titles on our group page, or on my portfolio if you wanna learn a little about me too.
About The Job
We’re looking to build a long-term relationship with a 2D artist to work with us to produce various art for our games and brand! We are here on Roblox for the long run, and we are looking for somebody else who is too.
- Create 2D art primarily including user interface for games & promotional content for games and social media
- Sometimes sketch mockups of various art
- Be available and reliable to work on a weekly to biweekly basis
- Work with and get feedback from other developers and QA testers to produce the best products we can
“Should have” traits
- Experience (or at least an open mind for
) creating game art and/or UI for games
- Fluency in an external program of your choice (i.e. Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator)
- An understanding of design, design principles & ability to work with color
- An eagerness to create and blow our players’ minds (or eyes
) with your designs
- Strong ability to communicate and take objective criticism
- Comfortable in a team environment
- Desire to grow yourself and encourage growth in others
Any level of experience is welcome if you are reliable and think you can do good work - don’t hesitate to apply! We are open to hiring more than one artist that fits the bill!
We are looking to compensate artists on a per-commission basis, primarily in Robux, but USD via PayPal is also an option. If you don’t have existing rates, we can work it out A cut of revenue from games you contribute heavily to is also on the table!
How To Apply
You can DM me with your portfolio here on the developer forum or through:
- Twitter: WrathsongHS
- Discord: Wrathsong#5087
Thanks for reading! Can’t wait to hear from you