No response from Roblox Appeal Team, how long did you wait for a response?

Hello! I need your advice. Well, a week ago, 2 assets created by me were unfairly removed, these assets did not violate any rules in Roblox so of course I wanted to appeal. Unfortunately, it turned out that these assets were not listed in Roblox “Violations & Appeals” so I had no way to automatically appeal. Roblox did not even inform me what was removed and why, I had to deduce it myself! So I wrote directly to the Roblox Appeal Team via the Roblox Support form, a week passed and no one replied. I sent several messages and never received a response, I feel my problem was completely ignored and I really don’t know what to do anymore. How long did you wait for a response to an appeal? For me it was usually 1-3 days so I am very surprised by the current situation and I feel ignored and left without help. I understand there’s probably a long queue right now regarding the latest wave of bans, but waiting a week with no response is starting to get worrying.


Might be because of the holidays, I would wait a few more days they might be catching up at this point.


Don’t worry they’ll eventually respond.

Just make sure you received the automated response on your email.


Thanks, that gave me optimism, I got an automatic reply a week ago and I really hope that someone will finally help me or at least reply to me (the feeling of being ghosted, being ignored and left without help is frustrating for me.). I just don’t know what to do anymore. After the last wave of bans I told myself that they were probably busy, if I was sure that someone would finally reply to me I would feel better but the thought that I would be ultimately ignored causes frustration.


You won’t receive any messages from Roblox before January 6th, 2025.

source: correspondence with Roblox Legal

That explains a lot! I can’t even imagine how many messages they’ll have to reply to after January 5th. I didn’t know about it because Roblox Copyright agents have been regularly replying to me and deleting copies of my assets recently, but apparently Roblox Support isn’t working at that time.


The message states “Roblox Corporation” is closed down. I don’t know about the Copyright agents specifically but I would make a guess that those agents are outsourced workers from another company.

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That really rexplains a lot, thanks! So I’ll just have to wait patiently. Considering that I sent 2 messages one day, 2 hours apart, and the second message had a ticket number higher by 8,259, they’ll have a lot of messages to reply to when they get back to work.

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Weird because i did receive responses from support from a few days ago just bit delayed

They should respond within a few days or in a week probably

I litterally needed to wait almost 2 weeks to receive responses though


It seemed unlikely to me that Roblox Support would not work for so long, especially since more people used Roblox during the holidays. Probably just fewer people were working and that’s why they didn’t keep up with replying. So I’m arming myself with patience and waiting for someone to write back and help me.

You received a response from the “Appeals” team. This team comprises two parts: agents who work onsite at Roblox’s HQ and agents outsourced from a company in India called iEnergizer.

Western companies have to abide by a holiday regime. Often set by local unions or governmental regulation. Hence why you will not receive replies if your question is directed to a Roblox HQ employee during a holiday period, e.g. an onsite appeals employee.

The company in India however has a pathetic holiday regime. The holidays of agents there don’t number much or are non-existent. As such, you can always expect a response from the Indian agents because their employer treats them like total lowlife scum. Just read up on company reviews from those agents here.

a few favourite citations of mine coming from agents who work for iEnergizer:

Work culture and environment is pathetic, people first smoke weed inside the premises and than start their work.

No job security, the only way to secure your job is to spend time with any manager, go for night parties with them and then you will get free downtime and if you are not one of those than you have to cry even for genuine downtime due to system issue or non availability of work station which is quite common there.