No updates/missing marker | Bug |


  • On Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub search for ,Test" and take the first result to come to the real doc.
  • Collapse classes
  • Open Recent Releases
  • You will find 9 and above the actual one. =>10
  • BUT we can go further back if we change the last number:

The last Release Note we can find like that is 327

And now the bad thing and the bug comes: You can find there, in a release note from like 2012[Idk when] PENDING RELEASES
Now there like 2 reasons:

  1. Someone forgot to update it
  2. It got never done ->THERE ARE PENDING BUGS
    I hope its the first option.

How I expect it: If its the first one that Roblox updates them all.
When its the 2nd that Roblox does it or deletes it.
The problem is, you can go from 327->to the current and I am 99.99% sure you will find NO SINGEL Release Note with no thing with the Pending status!
Please Roblox fix that! Its horrible to see that.

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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The fact that this bug still exist baffles me

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