Non wanted Invisible block (Mesh) Help

So this wedge (Triangle like mesh) is on a Triangle: aCapture

And the problem is… this:

If I remove the meshes, it will take time to take them all, and I already have different meshes that I can’t erase so the process will be slower. Also, If I remove the meshes this happens:

Now If I do that for many of them, it will not fix it well, and if I change the sizes for each of them will take time just like I said, so I want an easy, and fast way that I can fix this problem to all of my wedges in this hill.


I really need help, this is a commision, and I don’t want to change the hills, and… It’s gonna be hard for me to fix it, please help.

You’ll need to use MeshParts, which have correct hitboxes. There really isn’t another solution

Got it. I’ll check it, Thanks!!

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Question! Is there a way to select only those wedges? because I really don’t want to… spent whole day selecting one by one.

Or either a way of changing the Part to MeshParts without adding a MeshPart?

I don’t have a way to change it to meshparts, but you can try putting this code into the command bar to nab all parts that are wedges with meshes inside, so you can sort through and redo them yourself:

local wedgeContainer ="Model", workspace)
for _, obj in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do 
      if obj:IsA("Wedge") and obj:FindFirstChildOfClass("Mesh") then
            obj.Parent = wedgeContainer

then what do I do? I have no idea what to do after that

I have no idea if I’m doing it right

So you ran the code in the command bar right? Now there should be a folder in workspace just called model with a bunch of wedges in it with meshes. Just sort through that

Not sure where it is. A folder?

Sorry, model** in workspace. If it’s not there, can you look in output and tell me if there’s an error?

There’s no error, let me check for the model.
What’s the name of the model?

I probably input the command many times :expressionless:

Should be just called model.


Wait a minute, so are those special meshes?
My bad. Code should be this:

local wedgeContainer ="Model", workspace)
for _, obj in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do 
      if obj:IsA("WedgePart") and obj:FindFirstChildOfClass("SpecialMesh") then
            obj.Parent = wedgeContainer

I got so many models, I have no idea which is which

Okay, ill name it for you then.

local wedgeContainer ="Model", workspace)
wedgeContainer.Name = "WedgeContainer"
for _, obj in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do 
      if obj:IsA("WedgePart") and obj:FindFirstChildOfClass("SpecialMesh") then
            obj.Parent = wedgeContainer
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Got it, now what do I do? I found the folder.

Just sort through all the parts and convert them, I just made the process easier is all :slight_smile:

I still have to pick each and… change it right?
They are individual pieces…