Let’s say I prefer my audio at x. I go into one game, and its audio typically plays above x, so alright I adjust my volume setting. I go into another game, and its audio is playing below x, so now I need to increase my volume. Almost every time I go into a game I have to adjust the audio slider because of this. It’d be great if I could set the volume slider and never have to touch it again unless I want to change the volume I’m listening at. ROBLOX should tweak audio so that it has the same scale across all games (through some form of normalization?) – loud sounds would still be loud, and quiet sounds would still be quiet, but you’d receive similar experiences in terms of sound level across all games.
How does this work? Let’s say I build two games, A and B.
Game A starts with music at volume 0.8 which plays fine with no alterations.
Now I join game B, which starts with ambient sounds at volume 0.1, ROBLOX attempts to combat the quiet sound by increasing it to be equivilant with the 0.8 music. A minute or two later, I play some music with a volume of 0.8. Suddenly it comes out really loud, or the ambient music suddenly becomes very quiet.
It would be very difficult for ROBLOX to actually implement this in the way you have described. A better solution could be game-specific volume but I am not sure if that should be developer implemented or not.
I don’t know if equalization was the right word for it. The current scaling down of the audio based on volume level is what causes the current issue of having to constantly readjust. If we just floored the loud volumes to the audio setting, that would resolve this one issue, but would blur the lines between quiet/loud audio since quiet audio isn’t being adjusted while the loud audio is. The goal is to be somewhere in between these two implementations.
The word you’re looking for is normalization. Totally support.