Not saving column layout in the Watch window

Studio is not saving column layout in the Watch window after restarting it.


  1. Set some breakpoint and start debugging
  2. The “Name” column needs to be resized:
  3. Resize the column:
  4. Restart Studio and debug again
  5. The column will be back to the original size

Hi rogeriodec_games,

Thanks for reporting this! We are aware of the issue and investigating.


Almost 40 days since my report about this bug and so far nothing.
This limitation is annoying because every time I have to resize the columns again.
I know there are a lot of bugs to fix in Studio.
But I think simple fixes could be placed further in the queue.

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Almost 1 year!!!
Nothing was done so far…

This is a problem for me too, perhaps also these columns should initialize to show the full names of variables (within some limit) automatically when a breakpoint is hit for the first time (if a user adjustment hasn’t been made before).

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Just dropping by to remind you that more than a year and a half later, nothing has been done yet, even something as simple as this…

Hi rogeriodec_games,
Sorry about this issue taking so long to fix. You may recall my response to a previous post regarding our current overhauling of the Debugger framework: Breakpoint marks will disappear if pasting a script from clipboard - #9 by IcyTides . This column width saving issue is on the list of problems to be solved by the overhaul of the Debugger by the time it is fully released.

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After almost 3 years, it’s fixed in the new Intuitive Debugger.

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