Note To Myself:

Post the following to Platform Feedback - Engine Features when the Post Approval ‘renovation process’ is finished.

Title: Humanoid.CameraSubject or Humanoid.CameraPart

Thread: It is currently unclear how to retrieve the BasePart that the Camera.CameraSubject property is referencing when it is a Humanoid. There is no property of the Humanoid referencing its ‘primary part’ nor does changing the Humanoid parent model’s PrimaryPart have any effect on which part the camera is focused on.

In any case where I have needed to get the true CameraSubject part, I use this:

local function GetRealCameraSubject(Subject)
	if Subject:IsA("BasePart") then
		return Subject
	elseif Subject:IsA("Humanoid") then
		return Subject.Parent and Subject.Parent:FindFirstChild("Head")

Providing a Humanoid.CameraPart or some such property would allow the retrieval of the actual camera part in a singular ternary operator, like so:

CameraSubject = CameraSubject:IsA("BasePart") and CameraSubject or CameraSubject.CameraPart

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