Allow us to post in Platform Feedback already

For over 4 months now, I, a former Accelerator, have been unable to post any bug reports or feature requests under the Platform Feedback category. During this time I have instead laid dormant feedback reports, ready to fire away as soon as this fabled “new system” that we were promised finally arrives:

Needless to say this has been quite frustrating knowing I’ve been carefully putting together feedback like this only to throw it in the freezer.

Here’s the jist of the situation, as quoted from the thread linked at the beginning of this post:

After Sep 01 [2020] it will no longer be possible to file new [platform feedback] reports … until DevRel implements a new flow for handling [them].

We expect that they will have this done before September. If not, you should direct any feedback about not being able to file these kinds of topics to the DevRel team.

September came and went a while ago, and no new system took the old one’s place. I am not sure how to contact DevRel outside of direct e-mail contact, and I have had no luck doing just that in the past. Regardless, I want to see how many other developers have been waiting on this “new flow” as well, hence a good reason for this post.

I’m also not keen on communicating with staff via Discord or other direct messages to submit platform feedback reports because I believe any such discussion should be relegated to a public forum where other users can freely read and perhaps add to the exchange, as it may contain useful ancillary information someone was really digging into the weeds to find. Having a potentially informative discussion like that be tucked away in someone’s DMs is not helpful for anyone else.

While I understand that reviewing and responding to platform feedback was (remains?) a thankless volunteer job (it should really be a paid position given its importance), the way this has worked makes zero sense to me. The order in which this kind of system upgrade should go is as @buildthomas described in the above quotation, where the new stuff comes in just as the old stuff leaves. The way it’s been done is against any standard of continuity, as again, I have simply been unable to post any platform feedback in months.

Echoing this thread.

Rant over, thanks for reading. I hope to use Platform Feedback sometime soon.


You can contact them here.

As for everything else, its been a long standing and often discussed issue for quite some time by now. Don’t think we’ll see anything change until whats planned to happen actually happens.


The access issue is solved for bug reports now due to the Big Bug Reporting Update.

Everybody here in the current topic that made a post or Liked one of the posts (as of Mar 19) has had their join request accepted if they submitted one.

For everybody else that participates here later than this reply, please follow the instructions in the linked announcement above on how to get your join request in. We are slowly accepting people from the backlog to make sure we don’t overwhelm internal teams, but it is our goal to clear out the backlog. It will take us some time before we’re caught up with requests so appreciate your patience here.

This resolves the issue for all bug reporting categories.

For the feature request side of the matter, I am consolidating the threads into one thread, namely this one: All forum users should have a path forward to be able to post in feature requests - #154 by Hooksmith.

Please check out the update I posted there for further information. I will close this thread so that all further discussion is centralized in the thread above.

Thank you for posting this and for your patience so far as we work through these issues!

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