Notice about RDC 2020

Well at least its digital right… A little more easier I guess.
Stay Safe Y’all

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It’s certainly a bummer that we wont be able to meet up personally. However, this is still a great opportunity digitally. Hopefully things start to change for the better quick!

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Well, I am sorry for all the developers who can’t attend, although I have never attended, I would be more than happy to.


This is perfectly understandable. Despite this being saddening for some, it shows great character. Roblox shifting RDC from a physical event to virtual and not cancelling it completely, shows that they care about the health and safety of their developers. :smiley:

I do have a question however, will this live event be for everyone or only those who had been invited prior?


Will anyone be able to tune in to the event?

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well every year all panels are live streamed.
but the question is will everyone be invited to the convention center place/game.

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Hey, at least RDC’s not cancelled!

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I’m very proud of Roblox for trying to do their best in helping people who are currently struggling with the pandemic.


I wonder if roblox will start hosting game jams for any developer.


Atleast RDC 2020 isn’t cancalled.


Rip RDC In real life But Its fun that we got games to have to see or watch RDC I hope this happens :frowning:


I must admit that the cancellation of a real-life RDC was quite disappointing, even though we all saw it coming once everything started to shut down. I am, however, very curious as to how the online version of RDC will happen. It could be a ROBLOX game, but I feel that (with over 500 attendees of RDC 2019) it would be impossible to fit everyone in one server. Another option would be a live-stream on a platform such as YouTube, which definitely is a posilibity. Let me know what you think and how you think RDC will take place. Thanks!


Safety does always come first, the risk is more important. We always have to see the people before anything else, right?

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Very sad… But safety comes first! Hopefully we can have one next year! Good luck everyone! Stay safe! :smiley:


It’s sad that we can’t have a real-life event, but maybe we could do it in-game and allow all DevForum members to join? That’s what I’m thinking of:
Should we do this in an in-game setting, or hope that the pandemic is gone by the time RDC starts?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

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I’d definitely cop a seat. :eyes:

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the RDC 2020 seems to be better than last year

we will still need to register for attend of the digital RDC?

I already knew the rdc will be our next event this year the event that the roblox community most love

I haven’t received an invitation yet :confused:

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Hey, I mean, it’s better than nothing! This kind of reminds me of Virtual Blox-con 2013.

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The pandemic will probably be around for the rest of the year and will almost certainly still be an issue at the time RDC this year was originally scheduled for. The cancellation of the physical RDC event this year is very much locked in.