Notice about RDC 2020

Hey Developers,

Every year we look forward to bringing together our global developer community at RDC. In light of recent events surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, we have decided to transform this year’s RDC into a fully digital event. Our top priority is the safety and well-being of our community and employees. Given the global health concerns, we felt going virtual was the best path forward during this unprecedented time.

Attendees who have already secured their ticket and hotel room will receive a full refund. We cannot issue refunds for anything purchased outside of our ticketing website, so if you booked transportation or other hotel accommodations, please contact those providers directly to arrange a refund or credit.

As soon as we have more details in the coming weeks, we’ll provide an update here on the Developer Forum.

Stay safe and stay healthy,
Developer Relations


Not the news you wanted to hear, but your safety always comes first.

At least we’ll all still be together online!

Stay healthy and safe, everyone.


This topic was automatically opened after 13 minutes.

Sad moment.

I have some questions though.

  1. Is this still going to be an invite only event?
  2. Will events that would normally occur during RDC (such as the game-jam) still occur?

It is great to see health and safety being made a priority in the cancellation of a physical (like actually meeting up) RDC. Must suck for those who were invited, but at least you guys have some way of attending. This pandemic is serious and I hope everyone else stays safe!


This is very upsetting I think to the whole community, as face to face interaction is usually the best way to really learn from other developers. I think this was the best course of action though as it allows us to make sure the community stays safe.

Ima miss seeing all those developers working hard for their games.

Few questions though:

-How will some of the live events at RDC usually work in a virtual space?
-As well as how will live conferences work? They are usually very educational.


Sticks and stones can break my bones but viruses might actually hurt me.


Very glad Roblox took the safety measures for RDC, however I am upset that many people may not be receiving refunds for their tickets.

It is very unfortunate that COVID-19 has caused all of this, however safety and health is number one priority. Another hands up for the Roblox team.

While RDC may not be cancelled, from what I’ve seen there most likely is nothing like having a physical RDC, and I feel extremely bad for anyone who cannot get their stuff refunded ( stuff outside of Roblox’s reach ).

Best of luck to everyone and stay safe!


Correct decision from Roblox. Looking forward to the return of the physical event in the future when safe to do so. Stay safe, everyone.


Perfectly understandable during these times. Thanks for keeping us updated.

Is there a possibility Roblox will consider hosting similar smaller events throughout the year for developers to get together, potentially even in other cities/countries?

For instance, something like Code Kingdom’s London meetup in February:


Regarding RDC becoming fully digital, will there be a gamejam for RDC? I feel like having a large community event where tons of players can team up and create games together to compete against other games is amazing, it creates strong bonds and gives people something to do. The only problem with this would of course be the mass of people who are competing in the gamejam, but that could be limited to people who were invited to RDC.


Oh this is nice! Now I don’t need to travel to USA! (Even when I wasn’t invited). At least other developers from other countries wouldn’t need to travel! That’s nice. Except the COVID-19 (I also want to give a suggestion to make this event a game, like the bloxys, and where we can meet other developers in there, please. Here is a poll, where 163 users voted, and 137 of them agree with me:

  • Make a game event about RDC where we can meet other developers
  • Don’t make a game event about RDC where we can meet other developers

0 voters

I think this should be done, and this would be better if also other developers (Small developers who were not invited) have the possibility to join the RDC. Thanks for voting!)

Thanks for reading!


Does this mean it still costs to attend?


Always unfortunate to see these events canceled. Thanks for keeping the development community safe. :slight_smile:


At this point I don’t even mind getting a flu and getting my lungs flooded just to see y’all :(((


I completely agree with this decision.

Thanks for putting the health of the developer community first, protecting ourselves during these times is important - especially if we want to successfully defeat this global crisis. We can all look forward to attending this digital event, especially as there wont be any significant health risks associated with it.

Looking forward to learn more about the new digital event :slight_smile:


I think this was a good decision, however I’m worried for developers, who have paid for their travel to the RDC. I hope they will get the full refund.


Nice to see a response but sad since they closed it, oh well…


Thank you for informing us but I do have a question if you already have an answer for it as you do not have the fullest details regarding this.
Will this digital event be exclusively for the individuals that were invited to RDC or all Devforum members or all can join?